HP Systems Insight Manager User Manual
Page 500

In the WBEM settings section, select Update values for this protocol to enable updating the WBEM
settings. If this is not selected, the settings are not updated. This option is disabled by default.
Note: OpenWBEM is not supported.
In the WBEM settings section, select:
Use global defaults
Use values specified below
. Enter the User name and password fields or select corresponding
Use certificate instead
Specify whether a specific WBEM port is to be authenticated through a set of credentials or a certificate.
To authenticate through a set of credentials, enter the Port #,User name, Password, and Conform
information. To authenticate through a certificate, enter the Port # and select Use certificate
. Enter as many sets of these values as needed.
Note: The user name should include the domain name. For example,
Note: The Port # can be blank for a set if appropriate.
Note: Since each port number can only be associated with a user name and password, when the same
port number (including a blank entry) is specified in more than one set (row) of WBEM credentials, only
the last set with that port number value will be retained. In other words, when several sets of WBEM
credentials sharing the same port number are specified, the last set with that same port number replaces
all previous entries.
10. In the SNMP settings section, select Update values for this protocol to enable updating the SNMP
settings. If this is not selected, the settings are not updated. This option is disabled by default.
11. In the SNMP settings section, select from the following:
Use global defaults
Use values specified below.
Enter the Timeout (seconds), Retries, Read community string,
and the Write community string.
Note: The Write community string is optional and is only required for firmware updates on a
GbE switch. If you need to update the GbE switch firmware, you must first set the write community
string from this page and then run the existing switch update task. Do not set this feature if the
network is not trusted.
12. In the SSH settings section, select Update values for this protocol to enable updating the SSH
settings. If this is not selected, the settings are not updated. This option is disabled by default.
13. In the SSH settings section, select from the following options:
Not applicable
Use values specified below
. Enter the User name, Password, and Confirm password.
Note: Information should be included in this section if your target
(SSH) server does
not support public key authentication.
14. In the Identification settings section, Also run system identification is selected by default. If you
do not want to run system identification, clear this box.
15. Click OK to save the settings, or click Return to System Page to return to the System Page for the
system and not save changes.
Note: If the OK button is disabled, look for any bold red error messages and correct all the problematic
entries to enable that button.
Related procedures
Setting protocols for a system or groups of systems
Related topics
500 Administering systems and events