HP Systems Insight Manager User Manual
Page 117

Enter the System Object Identifier information. Retrieve the system object identifier from a target
system on your network by clicking Retrieve from System. The Retrieve From System section
appears. The System Object Identifier field is required.
In the Object Identifier field, enter the object identifier.
In the Community String field, enter the community string if other than public, the default. The
community string of the target system and the HP Systems Insight Manager (HP SIM) server must
match to retrieve data.
In the Target hostname or IP address field, enter the IP address of the system you want to search.
Click Get Response to show the Response SNMP data type and the Response value.
Click OK to close the Retrieve From System section, and place the response value in the System
Object Identifier
, Object Value fields, or both.
Enter the System Object Identifier Compare Rule. Click the down arrow, and select the appropriate
rule. In most cases, this rule is match. You can set it to starts with if you know that a class of systems
has system object identifiers that start with the value you have entered.
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