HP Systems Insight Manager User Manual

Page 668

background image

Install OpenSSH, 402
Install or Recover System, 402
Install Software, 402
Install WLM Configuration, 402
installation, 29, 539

problems, 539


HP ProLiant Support Pack, 392
Installing and using the HP ProLiant Essentials HP

ProLiant Essentials Performance Management Pack
Data Migration Tool, 83

Installing HP SIM, 83
Installing the System Management Homepage

individually, 83

Installing version control individually , 83
OpenSSH, 342–343
OpenSSH tool, 29
RPM Package Manager, 350

Integrated Lights-Out, 210

accessing, 412
HP Integrity servers, 412
overview, 412

Integrated Lights-Out Advanced, 405
Integrated Lights-Out Standard, 405
integration, 385

Integrity Essentials, 408

Intelligent Networking Pack, 405
Internet Explorer, 539

language, 76
problems, 539

IP, 97, 354
IP address, 316, 539

problems, 539

IP ranges

reference, 112
specifying, 97

IPX address, 316


Japanese, 76
java, 539


kernel parameters, 539
keystore, 161
known_hosts file, 514
KVM switch, 95


LAN access

HP 9000 iLO, 334
HP Integrity, 334


English, 76
Internet Explorer, 76
Japanese, 76
Mozilla, 76
setting, 76


application, 288
custom tools, 288
VM remote console, 363

LDAP settings

HP 9000 iLO, 334
HP Integrity, 334


Learning more about the ProLiant or Integrity Support

Packs., 83

Learning more about the ProLiant Remote Deployment

Utility, 83

legal notices, 25
legend, 72
license database

viewing licensed systems, 322

license keys

adding from file, 325
adding individually, 324
assigning and un-assigning, 327
iLO, 323
managing, 323, 329

license management, 318, 329
license manager, 273, 320

activation key agreement, 319
beta, 319
demo, 319
demo (seats and time), 319
evaluation, 319
flexible quantity, 319
individual, 319
intrinsic, 319
reporting, 328
subscription, 319


about licenses, 319
adding keys from file, 325
adding keys individually, 324
assigning and un-assigning , 327
assigning licenses, 318
collecting license information, 318, 320
iLO, 318
managing keys, 323
managing licenses, 318
PMP, 514
ProLiant Essentials, 318
SMP, 352
viewing licensed systems, 322

Linux, 161, 398, 493, 504, 530, 539

commands, 123
configuring language, 76
managed systems, 53
restoring database, 517
user authorization, 150
VCA, 383
viewing MIB list, 338

Linux commands, 282
Linux systems

668 Index