Firmware upgrade, Generic, Firmware upgrade generic – HP Systems Insight Manager User Manual
Page 551

Solution: The default setting for Enabling Trap Handling in SNMP Extensions is Disabled (Not Processed)
because typically, a system can be set up with an incorrect community string or an incorrect community
string is set in HP SIM. This error results in an Authentication Failure trap to be sent to the management server
each time a request is made to the system, which results in many traps being logged. To change this setting
to Processed (Enabled), complete the following steps:
Open HP SIM (http://machinename:280).
Sign in as a user with
Select Options
→Events→SNMP Trap Settings.
In the Mib Name field, select rfc1215.mib.
In the Trap Name field, select authenticationFailure if it is not already selected.
In the Enable Trap Handling field, select Yes.
Click OK.
These steps set the Authentication Failure Trap to be processed, and you are notified of all failures.
After creating a trap forwarding task, specifying several destination servers, and then running the task, only
one destination server receives all of the traps.
Solution: Verify that the server sending the traps is also discovered in HP Systems Insight Manager. If it is
not, discover the system and then run the task again. All destination servers should receive traps. This problem
can happen on a Windows, HP-UX, or Linux server.
Firmware upgrade
When upgrading my switch firmware, I receive the following error in the log file when I click the succeeded
link in the Task Results page:
Processed command line: /v 1.1.1 /s /l c:\hpsim_switchfw_logs\ /c /i /f /a swfwupgrade.ini
Usage: swfwupdate [/c SNMPcommunityString
[/i IPaddr [- IPaddr] ... ]]
[/v FWversion | /b BootVersion] [/m 1 | 2]
[/t TFTPport] [/d] [/l logfile]
[/x IPaddr [IPaddr...]] [/s[ilent]] [/f[orce]]
The /s option requires that /i, /c, and /v also
be specified and implies /f.
The /s option deletes all database entries
prior to discovery.
Solution: Verify that the SNMP write community string is set properly for the switch on the Global Protocol
The keyboard does not always respond the way I expect.
Solution: If you are used to the Windows operating system, you anticipate the behavior of certain keys, such
as the Tab, Enter, or Alt keys. However, in Java applets and web applications in general, the Windows
style is not necessarily used. Therefore, you might need to use the mouse to return focus to a specific page.
For example, if you enter an invalid entry for a system IP address or time, the Criteria or Schedule page is
refocused, but the keyboard access might not be restored on the last entry field. This situation typically
happens after several attempts. To return the focus, use the mouse to click the page you want to use.
User names are not listed in alphabetical order.
Solution: User names are grouped by authorization level (full configuration rights,
and none). Within the groupings, the users are listed in the order they were created.
Firmware upgrade 551