Rockwell Automation 8520-ARM2 9/Series CNC AMP Reference Manual Documentation Set User Manual

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9/Series CNC AMP Reference Manual



Min Infeed in Multi Threading, 25-14
Minimum Block Generated Length, 23-5
Minimum Programmable Jerk, 10-23
Monitor Frequency for Changes, 38-4
Motion Feedrate Parameters, 9-2
Motor Rated Current, (Digital), 7-92
Motor Speed, Maximum, (Digital), 7-91
Motor Table Values, Standard, (Digital), 7-12
Motor Type, (digital), 7-88
Motor, Number of poles on, (Digital), 7-90
Motor/Load Inertia Ratio, (Digital), 7-87
Motors on 2nd Board, Number of, 7-11
Move Tool to 7300/M06 Position, 37-17


Name, adaptive depth axis, 32-9
Name Axis, 4-5
Name Process, 3-17
Negative Friction Compensation Percent, 7-111
Negative Software Overtravel, 6-15
No of Teeth on Motor Gear, (Digital Spindle), 7-105
No of Teeth on Spindle Shaft, (Digital Spindle), 7-106
Number of Gears Used, 12-9, 13-9, 14-9
Number of Limit 2,3 Groups, 6-8
Number of Motors on 1st Board, (Analog), 7-5
Number of Motors on 2nd Board, (Digital), 7-11
Number of Poles on Motor, (Digital), 7-90


OCI Backgrnd Data Buffer __Size, 38-8
OCI Foregrnd Data Buffer Size, 38-7
OCI Parameters

CNC--OCI Data Transfer Rate, 38-3

Maximum Number of OCI Connections, 38-2

Monitor Frequency for Changes, 38-4

OCI Backgrnd Data Buffer_Size, 38-8

OCI Foregrnd Data Buffer Size, 38-7

Watchlist Buffer Size, 38-5

Offset Direction, Torque, (Analog), 7-81
Offset Percentage, Torque, (Analog), 7-80
Offsets, reset G92 and set zero, 37-25
Online Axis Calibration Parameters, 40-6
Online Reversal Error Parameters, 40-2
Online Servo Parameters, 40-12, 40-13
Opening an Existing AMP File, 2-6
Operator Panel, Type, 37-19
Orient Inposition Band, 12-17, 13-17, 14-17
Orient Speed, 12-14, 13-15, 14-15
Output Port Number, (Analog), 7-18
Overtravel Parameters, Software, 6-13
Overview of AMP, 1--1

Related Publications, 1--5


P dwell type : integer/decimal, 17-12
P: Integer Format, 17-13
P1--P9 Constant Surface Speed Axis Name, 11-4
PAL Background Interval, 20-1
Parallel Axes, for plane definition, 18-5, 18-6, 18-8, 18-9
Parallel Axis Integrands, 4-9

External Port A, Port B, 21-3

Output Parameters, 21-3

Overview, 21-1

Paramacro Calls

G-Code, 21-6

M-Code, 21-14

T, S, and B Codes, 21-4

Determination, 21-5



dress interrupt routine call, 26-7

dress interrupt trigger method, 26-6

horizontal compensation axis, 27-4

in-process dresser, 27-1

in-process dresser axis name, 27-2

shrinkage direction, 27-5

vertical compensation axis, 27-4

wheel flange protect radius, 27-2