3 no of teeth on motor gear – Rockwell Automation 8520-ARM2 9/Series CNC AMP Reference Manual Documentation Set User Manual
Page 251

Servo Parameters
Chapter 7
This parameter is used only for 9/440 or 1394 drives configured to use one
of their axis modules as a spindle drive. See page 7-100 for details.
Use the parameters No of Teeth on Motor Gear and No of Teeth on
Spindle Shaft to identify the gear ratio between the motor shaft and the
final spindle output. If the motor is directly connected in a one to one ratio
with the spindle shaft you must still identify the ratio by entering one for
both of these parameters. The ratio established by these parameters is used
for spindle speed calculations by the control and to identify the ratio
between velocity feedback and spindle position feedback for spindles with
two feedback devices.
In some cases, there may be a series of gears or gearbelt pulleys that make up a
final gear ratio for a spindle. In this case, it is necessary to calculate this gear
ratio so that this parameter and the parameter No of Teeth on Spindle Shaft
result in the desired ratio.
1 to 32767
This parameter must be set independently for each 1394 spindle.
No of Teeth on Motor Gear