Rockwell Automation 8520-ARM2 9/Series CNC AMP Reference Manual Documentation Set User Manual
Page 748
9/Series CNC AMP Reference Manual
Initial Gain of Position Loop, (Analog), 7-35
Initigral gain of position loop, online, 40-13
Inposition Band, (Analog), 7-34
Integral Torque Gain, 32-2
Integrand, for parallel axes, 4-9
Integrand Name for Axis, 4-8
Integrator Discharge Rate, Velocity, (Analog), 7-75
Interference Axis Orientation, 6-18
Interrupt 0 -- 3 Routine Call, 26-4
Interrupt Disable M Code, 26-3
Interrupt Enable M Code, 26-2
Interrupt O Service Action, 26-5
Interrupt Program Parameters, 26-2
Irregular Pockets, Cycle Clearance Amount, 25-6
Jog Increments, 8-13
Jog Retract, 8-19
Jog Retract Velocity, 8-21
Jog Speeds, 8-7
L: Word Format, 24-4
Largest Jog Increments, 8-18
Lathe Control Type, Selecting, 3-13
Lathe Type, 37-2
Lead Screw Thread Pitch, (Digital), 7-28
Lead: Word Format, 17-11
Level option, 26-7
Limit 2 Maximum Value, 6-9
Limit 2 Min Value, 6-10
Limit 3 Maximum Value, 6-11
Limit 3 Minimum Value, 6-12
Limit Switch, 5-10
Limits of Travel, for adaptive depth probe, 32-12
Linear Acceleration Ramp, 10-8
Linear Deceleration Ramp, 10-9
Linear Scales, 7-50
Lowest Jog Speed, 8-8
M-Code for Call, #9001 to #9009 or --1, 21-14
Machine Position at DCM Scale 0, 5-23
Macro Call
1 to 15 (Type II), Program Numbers for, 21-13
to #9010 to 9019 (Type I)
G-Codes For, 21-8
Type of, 21-9
Macro option, 26-7
Manual Acc/Dec Mode, 10-19
Manual Delay Constant, 10-14
Manual Homing, Distance Coded Markers, 5-8
Max Jogs In Retracts, 8-22
Maximum % Rated Torque (+), (Analog), 7-79
Maximum % Rated Torque (--), (Analog), 7-78
Maximum +/-- Geometry Offset, 22-23
Maximum +/-- Geometry Radius, 22-25
Maximum +/-- Radius Offset, 22-27
Maximum +/-- Wear Offset, 22-22
Maximum +/-- Wear Radius, 22-24
Maximum Cutting Feedrate, 9-3
Maximum Deviation, 15-8
Maximum Geometry Offset Change, 22-20
Maximum Interference Check Zones, 6-19
Maximum Motor Speed, (Digital), 7-91
Maximum Number of OCI Connections, 38-2
Maximum Radius Offset Change, 22-26
Maximum Servo Acceleration, (Analog), 7-84
Maximum Tool Offset Number, 22-5
Maximum Wear Offset Change, 22-19
Micro-feed increment, 35-10
Mill Control Type, Selecting, 3-13
Mill Type, transfer line, 37-3
Milling Fixed Cycle Parameters, 25-3