Yaskawa MotionWorks IEC Toolboxes User Manual
Page 506
Yaskawa Toolbox
MotionWorks IEC61131-3 Toolboxes: 2013-09-13
(************************************* 2011-03-25: v009 released
1) Added Error logic to PIDControl
2) Improved MovingAverage to not require a FOR LOOP to initialize the buffer at rising edge of ENABLE
3) Moved Math Functions to Math Toolboox
4) Included ProConOS firmware library to use the Real Time Clock function, provided FB to convert RTC from
5) Added DateCompare FB, STILL UNDER TEST in v009.
6) Moved REM function to the Math Toolbox v002.
7) Added XYLookup, which is equivalent to the FGN function in the standard MP series
8) Added DataSort, to arrange the data for use with XYLookup if it has been collected out of order.
9) Added DataRecord to capture XY data by either streaming or when the Trigger input goes high.
10) Fixed MovingAverage - it was not properly subtracting old and adding new values.
(************************************* 2010-02-03: v008 released
Added REM function to return the remainder of LREAL division.
Added Pack & Unpack of Byte and Word.
Added RangeCheck function block.
Added WindowCheck function.
Added Sweep function, useful for testing a range of values.
(************************************* 2009-10-29: v007 released
Added ErrorID and outputs to MovingAverage.
Removed ErrorWatchDog functions.