Example – Yaskawa MotionWorks IEC Toolboxes User Manual

Page 452

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PLCopen Toolbox: Function Blocks

MotionWorks IEC61131-3 Toolboxes: 2013-09-13



Jerk is less than or equal to zero.


The specified external axis may not be used. A physical axis is required.


Offset cannot be in the same direction as the original motion into the limit switch.


The DataType connected to a function block parameter specified as ANY type does not match
the required data size. Right click on the function block and select “Object Properties” to
determine which parameters are ANY type.


An internal assertion in the motion kernel failed indicating the controller is not in a stable
state. Please report this error to Yaskawa America Incorporated.


Use a ST POU to initialize the data required for HomeData. To save time, copy & paste the example initialization
into your project.

(** Copy & Paste, then search & replace the headings in the following section to speed the initialization of the
homing data. **)

HomeStruct_ReplaceMe.AccDec:=LREAL#500.0; (* In User units /sec


as set in the Hardware Configuration *)

HomeStruct_ReplaceMe.ApproachDistanceLimit:=LREAL#500.0; (* In User units as set in the Hardware
Configuration *)

HomeStruct_ReplaceMe.ApproachTimeLimit:=LREAL#500.0; (* In seconds *)

HomeStruct_ReplaceMe.ApproachVelocity:=LREAL#500.0; (* In User units / sec as set in the Hardware
Configuration *)

HomeStruct_ReplaceMe.CreepDistanceLimit:=LREAL#500.0; (* In User units as set in the Hardware
Configuration *)

HomeStruct_ReplaceMe.CreepTimeLimit:=LREAL#500.0; (* In seconds *)

HomeStruct_ReplaceMe.CreepVelocity:=LREAL#500.0; (* In User units / sec as set in the Hardware
Configuration *)

HomeStruct_ReplaceMe.Direction:=INT#0; (* MC_Direction#Positive_Direction; *)

HomeStruct_ReplaceMe.Offset:=LREAL#500.0; (* In User units as set in the Hardware Configuration *)

HomeStruct_ReplaceMe.OffsetVelocity:=LREAL#500.0; (* In User units / sec as set in the Hardware
Configuration *)

HomeStruct_ReplaceMe.Position:=LREAL#500.0; (* In User units as set in the Hardware Configuration *)

HomeStruct_ReplaceMe.SwitchMode:=INT#2; (* MC_SwitchMode#EdgeOn; *)

HomeStruct_ReplaceMe.TorqueLimit:=LREAL#500.0; (* In percentage of rated torque of the servo *)