Yaskawa MotionWorks IEC Toolboxes User Manual
Page 208

Communications Toolbox: Function Blocks
MotionWorks IEC61131-3 Toolboxes: 2013-09-13
Data type MyMachineStruct (VAR_IN_OUT ‘MachineData’) is only an example structure. A custom
structure must be designed to uniquely match the needs of the application. An example is shown below.
Change the ‘MachineData’ DataType in the CommandProcessor function block to match your structure
Initialize the configuration elements in CircularByteBuffer.
a. CmdDelimiters are used to mark the end of a complete command. Up to four characters can
be specified. Typically,
used. If CmdDelimiters not specified, will default functionality will automatically accept Carriage
Return or Carriage Return & Line Feed.
b. PrmDelimiter specifies the character that separates individual parameters within a command.
If PrmDelimiter is not specified, the function will automatically default to a comma, (BYTE#44).
c. Size must represent the defined size of the DataType definition for the CircularBufferStruct’s
“Data? Element. If Size not specified, it will default to zero and the InputBufferManager function