Yaskawa MotionWorks IEC Toolboxes User Manual

Page 427

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PLCopen Toolbox: Function Blocks

MotionWorks IEC61131-3 Toolboxes: 2013-09-13


Accel / Decel Limits

• The software acceleration & deceleration limits are managed by the MP2000iec controller.

• When an acceleration or deceleration limit is exceeded, a controller alarm will be generated, obtainable via the
MC_ReadAxisError function block, or the web server.

• The controller alarm will be 16#3202 0005 if the positive position limit is exceeded and 16#3202 0006 if the
negative position limit is exceeded.

Acceleration Limits

• Acceleration is defined as increasing velocity away from zero.

• The parameters are called LimitAccelPositive and LimitAccelNegative, with values of UINT#1221 and
UINT#1220 respectively. Use the MC_WriteParameter function block for these and all controller side
parameters. Acceleration limit parameters are in user units / sec



• To disable the acceleration limit, set LimitAccelEnable, parameter 1222 to zero.

Deceleration Limits

• Deceleration is defined by decreasing velocity towards zero.