Notes – Yaskawa MotionWorks IEC Toolboxes User Manual

Page 152

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Cam Toolbox: Function Blocks

MotionWorks IEC61131-3 Toolboxes: 2013-09-13


input, and reset if Done, CommandAborted, or Error is




Set high if error has occurred during the execution of the
function block. This output is cleared when 'Execute' or
'Enable' goes low.




If Error is true, this output provides the Error ID. This
output is reset when 'Execute' or 'Enable' goes low.


• If both TableIDs in the TableIDs input are zero, then this block automatically uses Y_CamStructSelect to send
the first CamTable and obtain the CamTableID.

• If the event causing the cam tables to update is fired too frequently, this block limits the cam table transfer
and swap by holding in a Busy state while the previous table transferred is still waiting to become the active
table. In this way, it helps to stage the table swapping so that the application does not resort to writing over an
active table, which can cause the slave to jump.

Example 1:

In this example, it is assumed that some event has occurred which triggers the need for a new cam table to be
generated using CamGeneator. CamGenerator in turn fires CamTableUpdate to send the new CamTable to the
motion engine. CamTableUpdate manages the active and inactive TableIDs, which can then be used with
Y_CamIn. The Table.Active variable will contain the TableID of the last table transferred, so the next time the
rising edge of Y_CamIn is triggered, the new table will be used. This can be done while camming is currently