Major components, Maestro/concerto frames – Grass Valley Maestro Master Control Installation v.2.4.0 User Manual
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MAESTRO Installation and Service Manual
Major Components
Major Components
Maestro hardware components consist of the following:
A Maestro/Concerto+ rack mount frame.
The Maestro circuit boards and rear panels.
A Control panel. The control panel may include a hardware control
panel, a GUI control panel, or both; however, at least one control panel
is recommended regardless of how many channels are in a Maestro
A Windows PC, which is used for software installation, configuration,
and updates.
Maestro/Concerto Frames
Maestro/Concerto frames contain one or more Maestro Main (Processor)
boards, which may be configured for standard definition (SD) or high def-
inition (HD) operation. Each Processor board provides one “channel” con-
sisting of one video and eight AES audio channels (for example, four stereo
pairs) or up to 16 embedded audio channels.
Up to 16 AES audio channels per video source are supported with external
AES-to-MADI conversion.
The Maestro system must be used with a Routing switcher controlled by a
Grass Valley router control system (for example, using Encore as shown in
or Jupiter as shown in
If a Grass Valley Concerto router is used, and depending on system size, the
Concerto boards may be mounted in the Maestro/Concerto frame.
The following Maestro/Concerto frames are available:
8 RU Maestro/Concerto frame (MAE-FRM128)
This frame, which is also known as the “Concerto Plus” frame, accepts
a total of four Maestro/Concerto boards in any combination.
4 RU M/C frame (CRS-FRM64)
This frame, which is also known as the “Concerto 64” frame, accepts 1
Concerto board plus 1 Maestro SD or Maestro HD Processor board. If
present, the Maestro board must be mounted in the bottom slot.
If you are planning on installing the Maestro Branding Engine in the bottom
slot of either the 4RU or 7RU Concerto chassis, please contact Customer
support before proceeding with the installation process. The original 7 RU
Concerto rack frame is similar to the 8 RU Maestro/Concerto frame, but due
to power and space limitations is not recommended for Maestro systems.
- Concerto Routing Matrix v. Concerto Routing Matrix v.1.8.1 Concerto Routing Matrix v.1.7.5 Kayenne Installation v.4.0 Kayenne Installation v.3.0 Kayenne K-Frame Installation v.6.0 Kayenne K-Frame Installation v.7.0 Kayenne K-Frame Installation v.8.0 Karrera K-Frame S-Series Installation v.8.0 Karrera Video Production Center Installation v.6.0 Karrera Video Production Center Installation v.7.0 Karrera Video Production Center Installation v.4.1 Karrera Video Production Center Installation v.4.0 7600REF v5.0 7600REF v3.0.0.8 7600REF v5.0 Installation 7600REF v3.0.0.8 Installation 7620PX-5 Installation 2012 7620PX Installation 2012 KayenneKayenne v.2.0 v.2.0 Maestro Master Control Installation v.2.3.0 Maestro Master Control Installation v.2.0.0 Maestro Master Control v.2.3.0 7620PX 2012 7620PX-5 2012 7620PX 2008 MVMC 3G VMCR 3G 8900F GeckoFlex Frames Concerto Compact Routing System GPIO-4848 Jupiter Maestro Master Control v.2.2.0 Maestro Master Control v.2.0.0 Maestro Master Control v.2.4.0 Maestro Master Control Installation v.2.2.0 Maestro Master Control Installation v.1.5.1 Maestro Master Control Installation v.1.7