About asp command objects – Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2015 User Manual

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Building applications visually

Last updated 6/3/2015


In the After Deleting, Go To box, specify a page to open after the record has been deleted from the database table.

You can specify a page that contains a brief success message to the user, or a page listing the remaining records so
that the user can verify that the record has been deleted.


Click OK, and save your work.

Test your delete pages


Upload the search, results, and delete pages to your web server, open a browser and search for a disposable test
record to delete.

When you click a Delete link on the results page, the delete page should appear.


Click the Confirm button to delete the record from the database.


Verify that the record has been deleted by searching for the record again. The record should no longer appear in the
results page.

More Help topics

Building search and results pages

URL parameters

Building pages with advanced data manipulation
objects (ColdFusion, ASP)

Note: The user interface has been simplified in Dreamweaver CC and later. As a result, you may not find some of the
options described in this article in Dreamweaver CC and later. For more information, see

this article


About ASP command objects

An ASP command object is a server object that performs some operation on a database. The object can contain any valid
SQL statement, including one that returns a recordset, or one that inserts, updates, or deletes records in a database. A
command object can alter the structure of a database if the SQL statement adds or deletes a column in a table. You can
also use a command object to run a stored procedure in a database.

A command object can be reusable, in the sense that the application server can reuse a single compiled version of the
object to execute the command a number of times. You make a command reusable by setting the Prepared property of
the Command object to true, as in the following VBScript statement:

mycommand.Prepared = true

If you know the command will be executed more than a few times, having a single compiled version of the object can
make database operations more efficient.

Note: Not all database providers support prepared commands. If your database does not support it, it might return an error
when you set this property to true. It might even ignore the request to prepare the command and set the Prepared property
to false.

A command object is created by scripts on an ASP page, but Dreamweaver lets you create command objects without
writing a line of ASP code.