Signing an application with a digital certificate, About timestamping, Editing associated air file types – Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2015 User Manual
Page 450
Last updated 6/3/2015
Signing an application with a digital certificate
A digital signature provides an assurance that the code for an application has not been altered or corrupted since its
creation by the software author. All Adobe AIR applications require a digital signature, and can’t be installed without
one. You can sign your application with a purchased digital certificate, create your own certificate, or prepare an Adobe
AIRI file (an Adobe AIR intermediate file) that you’ll sign at a later time.
In the AIR Application and Installer Settings dialog box, click the Set button next to the Digital Signature option.
In the Digital Signature dialog box, do one of the following:
• To sign an application with a pre-purchased digital certificate, click the Browse button, select the certificate, enter
the corresponding password, and click OK.
• To create your own self-signed digital certificate, click the Create button and complete the dialog box. The
certificate Type option refers to the level of security: 1024-RSA uses a 1024-bit key (less secure), and 2048-RSA
uses a 2048-bit key (more secure). When you’re finished click OK. Then enter the corresponding password in the
Digital Signature dialog box and click OK.
• Select Prepare an AIRI package that will be signed later and click OK. This option lets you create an AIR
Intermediate (AIRI) application without a digital signature. A user is not able to install the application, however,
until you add a digital signature.
About Timestamping
When you sign an Adobe AIR application with a digital certificate, the packaging tool queries the server of a timestamp
authority to obtain an independently verifiable date and time of signing. The timestamp obtained is embedded in the
AIR file. As long as the signing certificate is valid at the time of signing, the AIR file can be installed, even after the
certificate has expired. On the other hand, if no timestamp is obtained, the AIR file ceases to be installable when the
certificate expires or is revoked.
By default, the Adobe AIR Extension for Dreamweaver obtains a timestamp when creating an Adobe AIR application.
You can, however, turn timestamping off by deselecting the Timestamp option in the Digital Signature dialog box. (You
might want to do this, for example, if a timestamping service is unavailable.) Adobe recommends that all publically
distributed AIR files include a timestamp.
The default timestamp authority used by the AIR packaging tools is Geotrust. For more information on timestamping
and digital certificates, see
Editing associated AIR file types
You can associate different file types with your Adobe AIR application. For example, if you want file types with an .avf
extension to open in Adobe AIR when a user double-clicks them, you can add the .avf extension to your list of
associated file types.
In the AIR Application and Installer Settings dialog box, click the Edit list button next to the Associated File Types
In the Associated File Types dialog box, do one of the following:
• Select a file type and click the minus (-) button to delete the file type.
• Click the plus (+) button to add a file type.
If you click the plus button to add a file type, the File Type Settings dialog box appears. Complete the dialog box
and click OK to close it.
Following is a list of options: