Format text – Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2015 User Manual
Page 268

Page content and assets
Last updated 6/3/2015
The orange border around the text element indicates that the mode is changed to edit mode.
The insertion point is positioned at the position of double-click. To select all the text in the text element, triple-click
the text element.
Note: If you delete all the text and type in the text again, the strong and em tags are reordered or rearranged.
Cut, copy-paste, and undo-redo are supported while you edit text in Live View. When you paste text, it is pasted as plain
The following table lists the supported and unsupported scenarios during text editing in Live View:
Format text
You can now change the formatting of text and hyperlink text directly in Live View. To see the text formatting options,
select a word or a phrase. The Quick Property Inspector with formatting options appears just above the selected text.
Not supported
All HTML elements that can contain text
Editing of invalid or broken tags. If the HTML contains broken or invalid
tags, then editing of such tags is governed by the way browsers
perceive these tags:
• If browsers fix your HTML for you such that it closes
the broken tag, then you may be allowed to edit the
tags in Live View.
• If browsers add a new tag while rendering, then you
cannot edit the broken or invalid tags.
HTML files derived from templates in Live View
Editing of jQuery Pages
Structural tags containing inline elements. They are presented
together in a single box for editing.
Editing of tags that have both static and dynamic content. While you
can edit the selectors for such tags, you cannot edit text directly in Live
View. If you double-click such elements in Live View, a grey border
appears around them, indicating that text editing is not supported.
Static text in dynamic pages
Fluid Grid pages in Live View without grids
Text containing entities