Change the order of the columns, Add, delete, or change detail columns – Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2015 User Manual
Page 115
File management
Last updated 6/3/2015
When you drag a file from one Dreamweaver site to another or to a folder that is not part of a Dreamweaver site,
Dreamweavercopies the file to the location where you drop it. If you drag a file within the same Dreamweaver
site, Dreamweavermoves the file to the location where you drop it. If you drag a file that is not part of a
Dreamweaver site to a folder that is not part of a Dreamweaver site, Dreamweaver moves the file to the location
where you drop it.
Note: To move a file that Dreamweaver copies by default, hold down the Shift key (Windows) or the Command key
(Macintosh) while you drag. To copy a file that Dreamweaver moves by default, hold the Control key (Windows) or the
Option key (Macintosh) while you drag.
Customize the file and folder details displayed in the expanded Files panel
When you view a Dreamweaver site in the expanded Files panel, information about the files and folders is displayed in
columns. For example, you can see the file type or the date a file was modified.
You can customize the columns by doing any of the following (some operations are only available for columns you add,
not default columns):
• Reorder or realign columns
• Add new columns (for a maximum of 10 columns)
• Hide columns (except the filename column)
• Designate columns to be shared with all users connected to a site
• Delete columns (custom columns only)
• Rename columns (custom columns only)
• Associate columns with a Design Note (custom columns only)
Change the order of the columns
Select a column name, and then click the up or down arrow button to change the position of the selected column.
Note: You can change the order of any column except Name, which is always the first column.
Add, delete, or change detail columns
Select Site > Manage Sites.
Select a site, then click Edit.
Expand Advanced Settings and select the File View Columns category.
Select a column and click the Plus (+) button to add a column, or the Minus (–) button to delete a column.
Note: The column is deleted immediately and without confirmation, so make certain that you want to delete the column
before clicking the Minus (–) button.
In the Column Name box, enter a name for your column.
Select a value from the Associate with Design Notes menu, or type in your own.
Note: You must associate a new column with a Design Note, so that there is data to display in the Files panel.
Select an alignment to determine how text is aligned within the column.
Select or deselect Show to reveal or hide the column.
Select Share with All Users of This Site to share the column with all users connected to the remote site.