Create an html form to display the record, Retrieve the record the user wants to delete, Build the delete page – Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2015 User Manual
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Building applications visually
Last updated 6/3/2015
A special link surrounds the selected text. When the user clicks the link, the Go To Detail Page server behavior
passes a URL parameter containing the record ID to the specified delete page. For example, if the URL parameter is
called recordID and the delete page is called confirmdelete.asp, the URL looks something like the following when
the user clicks on the link:
The first part of the URL,, opens the delete page. The second part,
?recordID=43, is the URL parameter. It tells the delete page what record to find and display. The term recordID is
the name of the URL parameter and 43 is its value. In this example, the URL parameter contains the record’s ID
number, 43.
Build the delete page
After completing the page listing the records, switch to the delete page. The delete page shows the record and asks the
user if they're sure they want to delete it. When the user confirms the operation by clicking the form button, the web
application deletes the record from the database.
Building this page consists of creating an HTML form, retrieving the record to display in the form, displaying the record
in the form, and adding the logic to delete the record from the database. Retrieving and displaying the record consists
of defining a recordset to hold a single record—the record the user wants to delete—and binding the recordset columns
to the form.
Note: The delete page can contain only one record-editing server behavior at a time. For example, you cannot add an Insert
Record or an Update Record server behavior to the delete page.
Create an HTML form to display the record
Create a page and save it as the delete page you specified in the previous section.
You specified a delete page when you created the Delete link in the previous section. Use this name when saving the
file for the first time (for example, deleteConfirm.cfm).
Insert an HTML form on the page (Insert > Form > Form).
Add a hidden form field to the form.
The hidden form field is required to store the record ID passed by the URL parameter. To add a hidden field, place
the insertion point in the form and select Insert > Form > Hidden Field.
Add a button to the form.
The user will click the button to confirm and delete the displayed record. To add a button, place the insertion point
in the form and select Insert > Form > Button.
Enhance the design of the page any way you want and save it.
Retrieve the record the user wants to delete
In the Bindings panel (Window > Bindings), click the Plus (+) button and select Recordset (Query) from the pop-up
The simple Recordset or DataSet dialog box appears. If the advanced Recordset dialog box appears instead, click
Name the recordset, and select a data source and the database table that contains the records that users can delete.
In the Columns area, select the table columns (record fields) you want to display on the page.