Split a frame into smaller frames, Delete a frame, Resize a frame – Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2015 User Manual

Page 149: Select frames and framesets

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Layout and design

Last updated 6/3/2015

Split a frame into smaller frames

• To split the frame where the insertion point is, select a splitting item from the Modify > Frameset submenu.

• To split a frame or set of frames vertically or horizontally, drag a frame border from the edge into the middle of

the Design view.

• To split a frame using a frame border that isn’t at the edge of the Design view, Alt-drag (Windows) or Option-

drag (Macintosh) a frame border.

• To divide a frame into four frames, drag a frame border from one of the corners of the Design view into the

middle of a frame.

To create three frames, start with two frames, then split one of them. It’s not easy to merge two adjacent frames without
editing the frameset code, so changing four frames into three frames is harder than changing two frames into three


Delete a frame

Drag a frame border off the page or to a border of the parent frame.

If there’s unsaved content in a document in a frame that’s being removed, Dreamweaver prompts you to save the

Note: You can’t remove a frameset entirely by dragging borders. To remove a frameset, close the Document window that
displays it. If the frameset file has been saved, delete the file.

Resize a frame

• To set approximate sizes for frames, drag frame borders in the Document window’s Design view.

• To specify exact sizes, and to specify how much space the browser allocates to a row or column of frames when the

browser window size doesn’t allow the frames to display at full size, use the Property inspector.

Select frames and framesets

To make changes to the properties of a frame or frameset, begin by selecting the frame or frameset you want to change.
You can select a frame or frameset either in the Document window or by using the Frames panel.

The Frames panel provides a visual representation of the frames within a frameset. It shows the hierarchy of the
frameset structure in a way that may not be apparent in the Document window. In the Frames panel, a very thick border
surrounds each frameset; each frame is surrounded by a thin gray line and is identified by a frame name.