Choosing a web server, Choosing an application server, Choosing a database – Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2015 User Manual
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Dynamic sites, pages and web forms
Last updated 6/3/2015
Choosing a web server
To develop and test web applications, you can choose from a number of common web servers including Microsoft
Internet Information Server (IIS) and Apache HTTP Server.
If you’re not using a web hosting service, choose a web server and install it on your local computer for development
purposes. Windows and Macintosh users who want to develop ColdFusion web applications can use the web server
included in the developer edition of the ColdFusion 8 application server, which you can install and use for free.
Other Windows users can run a web server on their local computer by installing IIS. This web server may already be
installed on your system. Check your folder structure to see if it contains a C:\Inetpub or D:\Inetpub folder. IIS creates
this folder during installation.
Mac OS users can use the local Apache web server installed with the operating system.
For information on installing and configuring other web servers, see the server vendor’s documentation or your system
Choosing an application server
An application server is software that helps a web server process dynamic pages. When choosing an application server,
you should consider several factors, including your budget, the server technology you want to use (ColdFusion, ASP,
or PHP), and the type of web server.
Some vendors sell high-end application servers that are expensive to buy and administer. Others vendors
provide easier, more cost-effective solutions (an example is ColdFusion). Some application servers are built into web
servers (such as Microsoft IIS) and others can be downloaded for free from the Internet (such as PHP).
Server technology
Application servers use different technologies. Dreamweaver supports three server technologies:
ColdFusion, ASP, and PHP. The following table shows common application servers available for the server technologies
supported by Dreamweaver:
To learn more about ColdFusion, select ColdFusion Help from the Help menu.
To learn more about ASP, visit the Microsoft website at
To learn more about PHP, visit the PHP website at
Choosing a database
Databases come in many forms depending upon the amount and the complexity of the data they must store. When
choosing a database, you should consider several factors, including your budget and the number of users you anticipate
will access the database.
Some vendors produce high-end application database servers that are expensive to buy and administer. Others
vendors provide easier, more cost-effective solutions, such as Microsoft Access or the open-source database MySQL.
If you anticipate a large user community accessing the site, select a database designed to support your site’s
intended user base. For websites requiring greater flexibility in their data modeling, and the ability to support large,
Server technology
Application server
Adobe ColdFusion 8
Microsoft IIS
PHP server