Create an incontext editing repeating region – Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2015 User Manual

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Last updated 6/3/2015


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If this is the first time you’re adding InContext Editing functionality to a page, Dreamweaver informs you that it is
adding InContext Editing supporting files to your site: ice.conf.js, ice.js, and ide.html. Be sure to upload these files
to the server when you upload your page, otherwise InContext Editing functionality will not work in a browser.

Create an InContext Editing repeating region

An InContext Editing repeating region is a pair of HTML tags that includes the ice:repeating attribute in the opening
tag. The repeating region defines an area on the page that a user can “repeat” and add content to when editing in a
browser. For example, if you have a heading and a paragraph of text that follows it, you can transform these elements
into a repeating region that a user can then duplicate on a page.

In addition to adding repeating regions based on the original region, you can also give the user the option to delete
regions, add completely new regions (not based on the content of the original region), and to move the regions up or

When you create a repeating region, Dreamweaver wraps it in another container called a repeating regions group. This
container—a div tag with the ice:repeatinggroup attribute added to the opening tag—acts as the container for all of the
editable repeating regions that a user might add to the group. You cannot move repeating regions outside of their
repeating regions group containers. Additionally, you should not manually add repeating regions group tags to your
page. Dreamweaver adds them for you automatically when necessary.

Note: When creating a repeating region from a table row (tr tag), Dreamweaver applies the repeating regions group
attribute to the parent tag (for example, the table tag), and does not insert a div tag.

If you are working on a page that already contains a repeating regions group, and you try to add a repeating region
immediately after the existing group, Dreamweaver detects that a repeating regions group precedes the region you are
trying to add, and gives you the option of adding the new region to the existing group. You can choose to add the new
repeating region to the existing group, or create an entirely new repeating regions group.

Note: If you are adding an InContext Editing repeating region to a page that’s based on a Dreamweaver template, the new
InContext Editing repeating region must exist within a region that is already editable.