Link to a specific place in a document, Create a named anchor, Link to a named anchor – Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2015 User Manual

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Linking and navigation

Last updated 6/3/2015

Note: Content linked with a site root–relative path does not appear when you preview documents in a local browser
unless you specify a testing server, or select the Preview Using Temporary File option in Edit > Preferences > Preview In
Browser. This is because browsers don’t recognize site roots—servers do. A quick way to preview content linked with site
root–relative paths is to put the file on a remote server, then select File > Preview In Browser.


Click Save.

The new path setting applies only to the current site.

Link to a specific place in a document

You can use the Property inspector to link to a particular section of a document by first creating named anchors. Named
anchors let you set markers in a document, which are often placed at a specific topic or at the top of a document. You
can then create links to these named anchors, which quickly take your visitor to the specified position.

Creating a link to a named anchor is a two-step process. First, you create a named anchor; then you create a link to the
named anchor.

Note: You can’t place a named anchor in an absolutely-positioned element (AP element).

Create a named anchor


In the Document window’s Design view, place the insertion point where you want the named anchor.


Do one of the following:

• Select Insert > Named Anchor.

• Press Control+Alt+A (Windows) or Command+Option+A (Macintosh).

• In the Common category of the Insert panel, click the Named Anchor button.


In the Anchor Name box, type a name for the anchor, and click OK. (The anchor name can’t contain spaces).

The anchor marker appears at the insertion point.

Note: If you do not see the anchor marker, select View > Visual Aids > Invisible Elements.

Link to a named anchor


In the Document window’s Design view, select text or an image to create a link from.


In the Link box of the Property inspector, type a number sign (#) and the name of the anchor. For example, to link
to an anchor named “top” in the current document, type #top. To link to an anchor named “top” in a different
document in the same folder, type filename.html#top.

Note: Anchor names are case-sensitive.

Link to a named anchor using the Point-To-File method


Open the document containing the named anchor.

Note: If you don’t see the anchor, select View > Visual Aids > Invisible Elements to make it visible.


In the Document window’s Design view, select text or an image you want to link from. (If this is another open
document, you must switch to it.)


Do one of the following:

• Click the Point-To-File icon

(target icon) to the right of the Link box in the Property inspector and drag it to

the anchor you want to link to: either an anchor within the same document or an anchor in another open