Connecting to the database in dreamweaver, Database connections for asp developers, About asp database connections – Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2015 User Manual

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Dynamic sites, pages and web forms

Last updated 6/3/2015


To create a new data source, click the Plus (+) button in the Databases panel (Windows > Databases) and enter the
parameter values specific to the database driver.

Note: Dreamweaver displays the Plus (+) button only if you’re running ColdFusion MX 7 or later.


To modify a data source, double-click the database connection in the Databases panel and make your changes.

You can edit any parameter except the name of the data source. For more information, see the driver vendor’s
documentation or consult your system administrator.

Create or modify a ColdFusion data source if running ColdFusion MX 6.1 or 6.0


Open any ColdFusion page in Dreamweaver.


In the Databases panel (Window > Databases) in Dreamweaver, click Modify Data Sources in the panel toolbar.


Log in to ColdFusion MX Administrator, and create or modify the data source.

For instructions, see ColdFusion help (Help > ColdFusion Help).

You must provide certain parameter values to create the ColdFusion data source. For the parameter values specific
to your database driver, see the driver vendor’s documentation or consult your system administrator.

After you create a ColdFusion data source, you can use it in Dreamweaver.

Connecting to the database in Dreamweaver

After creating a ColdFusion data source, use it to connect to the database in Dreamweaver.

Open any ColdFusion page in Dreamweaver, then open the Databases panel (Window > Databases). Your ColdFusion
data sources should appear in the panel.

If the data sources do not appear, complete the checklist in the panel. Make sure that Dreamweaver knows where to find
the ColdFusion data sources. In the Testing Server category of the Site Definition dialog box, specify the site’s root
folder on the computer running ColdFusion.

More Help topics

Set up a testing server

Enable the ColdFusion enhancements

Database connections for ASP developers

Note: The user interface has been simplified in Dreamweaver CC and later. As a result, you may not find some of the
options described in this article in Dreamweaver CC and later. For more information, see

this article


About ASP database connections

An ASP application must connect to a database through an open database connectivity (ODBC) driver or an object
linking and embedding database (OLE DB) provider. The driver or provider acts as an interpreter that lets the web
application communicate with the database. The following table shows some drivers you can use with Microsoft Access,
Microsoft SQL Server, and Oracle databases: