Rename a class from the html property inspector, Spell check a web page – Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2015 User Manual

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Page content and assets

Last updated 6/3/2015


Specifies the frame or window in which the linked document will load:

• _blank loads the linked file in a new, unnamed browser window.

• _parent loads the linked file in the parent frameset or window of the frame that contains the link. If the frame

containing the link is not nested, the linked file loads into the full browser window.

• _self loads the linked file in the same frame or window as the link. This target is implied, so you generally don’t

need to specify it.

• _top loads the linked file in the full browser window, thereby removing all frames.

Rename a class from the HTML Property inspector

Dreamweaver displays all of the classes available to your page in the Class menu of the HTML Property inspector. You
can rename styles in this list by selecting the Rename option at the end of the list of class styles.


Select Rename from the text Property inspector Style pop-up menu.


Select the style you want to rename from the Rename Style pop-up menu.


Enter a new name in the New Name text field and click OK.

More Help topics

Open the CSS Styles panel

Understanding Cascading StyleSheets

Spell check a web page

Note: The user interface has been simplified in Dreamweaver CC and later. As a result, you may not find some of the
options described in this article in Dreamweaver CC and later. For more information, see

this article


Use the Check Spelling command to check the spelling in the current document. The document must be a web page
(for example, an HTML, ColdFusion, or PHP page). The Check Spelling command does not work on text files or XML

Additionally, the Check Spelling command ignores HTML tags and attribute values.

Note: Dreamweaver can only spell check the file that is currently open in the Document window. It cannot spell check all
of the files in a site simultaneously.

By default, the spelling checker uses the U.S. English spelling dictionary. To change the dictionary, select Edit >
Preferences > General (Windows) or Dreamweaver > Preferences > General (Macintosh), then in the Spelling
Dictionary pop-up menu select the dictionary you want to use.


Select Commands > Check Spelling or press Shift+F7.

When Dreamweaver encounters an unrecognized word, the Check Spelling dialog box appears.


Select the appropriate option based on how you want the discrepancy handled.

Add To Personal

Adds the unrecognized word to your personal dictionary.


Ignores this instance of the unrecognized word.


Replaces this instance of the unrecognized word with text that you type in the Change To text box or with

the selection in the Suggestions list.