Edit flash player download information, Preview swf files in the document window – Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2015 User Manual

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Page content and assets

Last updated 6/3/2015

The placeholder has a tabbed blue outline. The tab indicates the type of asset (SWF file) and the ID of the SWF file.
The tab also displays an eye icon. It acts as toggle between the SWF file and the download information users see
when they don’t have the correct version of Flash Player.


Save the file.

Dreamweaver informs you that two dependent files, expressInstall.swf and swfobject_modified.js, are being saved
to a Scripts folder in your site. Don’t forget to upload these files when you upload the SWF file to your web server.
Browsers can’t display the SWF file properly unless you have also uploaded these dependent files.

Note: Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) does not process nested object tags. For ASP pages, Dreamweaver uses
nested object/embed code instead of nested object code when inserting SWF or FLV files.

Edit Flash Player download information

When you insert a SWF file in a page, Dreamweaver inserts code that detects whether the user has the correct version
of Flash Player. If not, the page displays default alternative content that prompts the user to download the latest version.
You can change this alternative content at any time.

This procedure also applies to FLV files.

Note: If a user does not have the required version but does have Flash Player 6.0 r65 or later, the browser displays a Flash
Player express installer. If the user declines the express install, the page then displays the alternative content.


In the Design view of the Document window, select the SWF file or FLV file.


Click the eye icon in the tab of the SWF file or FLV file.

You can also press Control + ] to switch to alternative content view. To return to SWF/FLV view, press Control + [
until all of the alternative content is selected. Then press Control + [ again.


Edit the content just as you would edit any other content in Dreamweaver.

Note: You cannot add SWF files or FLV files as alternative content.


Click the eye icon again to return to the SWF (or FLV) file view.

Preview SWF files in the Document window


In the Document window, click the SWF file placeholder to select the content.


In the Property inspector (Window > Properties), click the Play button. Click Stop to end the preview. You can also
preview the SWF file in a browser by pressing F12.

To preview all SWF files in a page, press Control+Alt+Shift+P (Windows) or Command+Option+Shift+P
(Macintosh). All SWF files are set to Play.