Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2015 User Manual

Page 457

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Last updated 6/3/2015

Repeating Regions should not be inside Editable Regions or contain Repeating Regions

InContext Editing editable regions cannot contain any other InContext Editing functionality. If you try to add a
repeating region or a repeating regions group to an editable region, Dreamweaver does not allow you to perform the
transformation. Additionally, Dreamweaver will not transform an element into an editable or repeating region if it
already contains a repeating regions group.

Current selection already contains or is inside of a Repeating Region. Nested Repeating
Regions are not allowed.

If your selection is inside a repeating region, or if there is a repeating region within the selection, Dreamweaver does
not allow you to perform the transformation. InContext Editing does not support nested repeating regions.

Selection must contain exactly one Dreamweaver template editable/repeating region, or be
inside any Dreamweaver template editable region

When working with Dreamweaver template files (.dwt files), you must follow certain rules. To transform a
Dreamweaver template editable/repeating region into an InContext Editing editable/repeating region, you must select
exactly one Dreamweaver template editable/repeating region on the page and then transform it. To transform another
selection on the page (for example, a block of text), the selection must be within a Dreamweaver template editable

Only DIV tags can have both Editable Region and Repeating Region functionality applied at
the same time

If your selection is not a div tag, and already has a repeating region attribute applied to it, Dreamweaver will not allow
you to apply the editable region attribute to that tag as well. Only div tags can have the editable region and repeating
region attributes applied simultaneously.

Dreamweaver detected that a Repeating Regions Group tag precedes the Repeating Region

All InContext Editing repeating regions must exist within a repeating regions group. When you add a new repeating
region to a page, Dreamweaver detects if there is already a repeating regions group immediately before it. If there is,
Dreamweaver gives you the option of adding the new repeating region to the repeating regions group that is already
there, or creating a new repeating regions group to contain the new repeating region.