Adobe Acrobat 8 3D User Manual

Page 599

background image



trap appearance

end style 465

holdback amount 465

join 465

width 465, 467

trap presets

applying to specific pages 464

saving and loading 463

trap styles. See trap presets

trapped value, defining in Acrobat

Distiller 109


about 461

choking 467

CMYK values and step limit 466

compensating for dot gain 467

controlling ink density 476

dark spot colors as black 466

declaring presence of 457

imported graphics 467

keep away traps 467

keylines to images 467

preventing dark traps 466

sequence or order 469

specific pages in a document 464

spreading 462

thresholds for 466

using black or rich black 467

triggers, action 338

trim boxes 36

Trim Marks option 454


preflight problems 488

trusted identities

adding contacts 259

checking 268

for distributing encrypted

documents 266

tryouts 8

two-dimensional CAD files 395

Type 1 fonts 114

Type 32 fonts 114

Typewriter tool 349



conversion settings 389, 390

format for 3D files 388, 390

U3D format for 3D files 388

Unavailable file status, in Version

Cue 537

undercolor removal (UCR) 106

Underline Text tool 175

underlining links 94

Undo Headers/Footers

command 128

unicode, digital signatures 254

UNIX, 3D capture utility 397

unlocking toolbars 21

Unshare Project command 534

updates 8


Adobe application software 53

embedded index 379


files for review 159

Upload for Browser-Based Review

command 159


restricting 247

specifying for browser-based

reviews 156

usage rights 155

Use Adobe Dialog command 528

Use Current Properties As New

Defaults command 231

Use Only Certified Plug-ins

option 33

Use Page Cache option 33

user IDs

creating in Version Cue

Administration utility 560

deleting or duplicating in Version

Cue Administration utility 561

user passwords. See passwords

user policies 269


assigning to Version Cue

projects 553, 554, 555

privilege levels, in Version Cue 561



form fields 230

signatures 282

time period for signatures 260

time stamp certificates 285

vector graphics 111


consistency in PDF and JDF

files 525

PDF/A files 513

PDF/X files 513

version compatibility 103


deleting in Version Cue 546

deleting with Version Cue

Administration utility 556

in Version Cue 535

promoting, in Version Cue 546

saving, in Version Cue 545

using, in Version Cue 544

viewing and comparing in Version

Cue 545

video clips. See media clips

Video Workshop 4

videos, playing 30

Vietnamese language 54

View Signed Version command 286

View Web Links command 92


3D content 399, 401, 403, 410

file attachments 30

job definitions 518

magnification 38

original PMI in 3D CAD files 406

PDF conversion results 76

PDF forms 198

preflight results 491, 492, 493

tables and spreadsheets 42


comments in 3D models 413

defining for 3D content 399, 410

visibility, layers 365


viewing object data 363

VRML settings 415


Warning alert 503

warning color 472

watched folders

prologue and epilogue files 98

setting up 98

unavailable 97

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