About toolbars, Display and arrange toolbars – Adobe Acrobat 8 3D User Manual
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User Guide
Acrobat also has numerous context-sensitive menus. These menus appear when you right-click/Control-click an
element in the work area or PDF that has such a menu associated with it. A context menu displays commands that
relate to the item or area that you clicked. For example, when you right-click/Control-click the toolbar area, that
context menu displays the same commands as the View > Toolbars menu.
Note: The Acrobat menu bar appears only if Acrobat is open as a stand-alone application. If Acrobat is open within the
browser, only the browser application menu appears at the top of the window. However, context menus are available in
both cases.
About toolbars
Toolbars reduce clutter in the work area by arranging tools in task-related groups. For example, the Page Display
toolbar includes buttons for changing how many pages you can see at a time in the document window. The Comment
& Markup toolbar contains tools for reviewing and annotating a PDF.
Any toolbar can float or be docked. Docked toolbars appear in the toolbar area. Floating toolbars appear as
independent panels that you can move anywhere in the work area.
Each toolbar has a grabber bar, which is a vertical gray stripe at the left end of the toolbar.
When you position the pointer over a grabber bar, a tool tip displays the name of the associated toolbar.
When you drag a grabber bar, the toolbar moves. You can drag toolbars off the toolbar area (so that they float),
dock them in the toolbar area, or rearrange them in the toolbar area.
Some toolbars appear by default and some are hidden.
Buttons in the Tasks toolbar behave somewhat differently from other toolbar buttons. Each of these buttons is
associated with a menu of commands. Click the arrow
to the right of the button name to open the menu. For
example, click the arrow next to the Start Meeting button
to display a menu of commands related to Adobe
Acrobat Connect meetings.
Position the pointer over a tool to see a description of the tool. Position the pointer over the grabber bar on the left
edge of a toolbar to see its name. All tools are identified by name in the More Tools dialog box (Tools > Customize
See also
“Customizing the work area” on page 19
“Displaying menus” on page 19
Display and arrange toolbars
When your work does not involve using the tools in a toolbar, you can close the toolbar to tidy up the work area. For
example, if you are not adding review comments to a PDF, there’s no need to have the Comment & Markup toolbar open.
When you need easy access to a toolbar that is hidden by default, you can open it. This toolbar appears as a floating
panel, which you can move or dock in the toolbar area.
Note: If several PDFs are open, you can customize the toolbars for each PDF independently. The different customized
states persist as you switch between PDFs.