Model tree overview – Adobe Acrobat 8 3D User Manual
Page 411

User Guide
Model Tree overview
The Model Tree appears in the navigation pane on the left side of the work area. You can also open the Model Tree
by clicking the Toggle Model Tree button
on the 3D toolbar, or by right-clicking/Control-clicking the 3D model
and choosing Show Model Tree.
The Model Tree has three panes, each of which displays a specific type of information or controls.
Structure pane
The topmost pane shows the tree structure of the 3D object. For example, a 3D object depicting a
car may have separate groups of objects (called nodes) for the chassis, engine, and wheels. In this pane, you can move
through the hierarchy and select, isolate, or hide various parts.
Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) appears as a group of items on the same hierarchical level as its related
object or assembly.
View pane
The middle pane lists the defined views, which you can add to and edit. For example, after you isolate
and rotate a part, you can save that particular view. After making other transformations, you can simply click the
view you created to return the 3D model to the view that you saved earlier. See “Set 3D views” on page 410.
Object Data pane
The lower pane displays other information, including properties and metadata, if any, about the
object or part. You cannot edit this information for 3D objects in Acrobat.
Model Tree
A. 3D object’s hierarchy B. Saved views C. Part or object information
Note: You can change the default behavior for the Model Tree by choosing Edit > Preferences (Windows) or Acrobat >
Preferences (Mac OS), selecting 3D under Categories, and then choosing an option from the Open Model Tree On 3D
Activation menu.