Chapter 19: adobe version cue, Using adobe version cue, About version cue – Adobe Acrobat 8 3D User Manual
Page 534: Availability of version cue features
Chapter 19: Adobe Version Cue
Using Adobe Version Cue
About Version Cue
Adobe Version Cue® is a file-version manager included with Adobe Creative Suite that integrates versioning and asset
management into your existing workflows within and across Adobe Creative Suite components, including Adobe
Photoshop CS2, Adobe InDesign CS2, Adobe Illustrator CS2, Adobe GoLive CS2, Adobe Acrobat, and Adobe
Bridge. Version Cue consists of two components: a server included with Adobe Creative Suite that you can install
locally or on a centralized server, and a client that’s automatically installed with Adobe Creative Suite components,
Adobe InCopy, and Acrobat.
You can use Version Cue in a single Adobe Creative Suite component, such as Photoshop, or across multiple compo
nents, such as Photoshop and Illustrator, to track changes to a file as you work on it. Use Version Cue to enable
efficient workgroup collaboration by way of file sharing, version control, and online reviews.
You can use Bridge to access Version Cue Servers, projects, and files, and to quickly view and compare information
about Version Cue-managed assets. For more information about using Bridge with Version Cue, see Adobe Creative
Suite Help.
If you use Adobe Creative Suite, or if you have access to a shared Version Cue project and have been granted appro
priate privileges by the project’s owner, you can use the Version Cue Workspace Administration utility to create and
manage users and groups, projects, and PDF reviews. For more information, see “About the Version Cue Adminis
tration utility” on page 548
Version Cue streamlines the following tasks:
Creating historical versions of your files.
Maintaining file security.
Organizing files into private or shared projects.
Browsing with file thumbnails, and searching file information and version comments.
Reviewing file information, comments, and file status in private and shared projects while you browse.
See also
“Availability of Version Cue features” on page 527
Availability of Version Cue features
Different Version Cue features are available in different environments:
If you use Acrobat 8 but not Adobe Creative Suite, you can gain access to the full Version Cue feature set by partic
ipating in a shared project; that is, you can gain access if another user on your network installs Adobe Creative
Suite and gives you access to a Version Cue project in a Version Cue Workspace.
If you use Adobe Creative Suite, you have access to the full set of Version Cue features, including Version Cue