Adobe Acrobat 8 3D User Manual

Page 584

background image



booklet printing 444


for 3D views 410

accessibility 288

appearance 327

creating for new and changed

pages 339

creating from web pages 93

defined 327

deleting 344

destination 327

finding current 26

generating 143

hiding after use 27

in PDF layers 366

managing 327

navigating with 26

printing associated pages 447

searching 373, 376

showing and hiding 26

tagged 330

tagged, organizing web pages 339

Bookmarks tab, opening 26

bookshelf 54

Boolean operators

about 376

searching text with 377

braille printers, creating text for 297

breaks, line 350

b-rep. See PRC b-rep

Bridge. See Adobe Bridge

browser-based reviews

about 155

initiating 159

keyboard shortcuts for 570

preferences 156

tracking reviews 165

browsers. See web browsers


about 232

forms 211

importing data with 239

labels 22

measuring 44

pop-up effects 235

reset form 239

showing and hiding 22

Submit 238

byte-serving 31


CAD (Computer Aided Design)

converting smooth lines to

curves 344

CAD files

See also 3D content

2D content 395

large assemblies 394

PMI 406

CalRGB color space 106

Capture command 516


3D models 395, 396

preferences and settings 396

UNIX utility 397

cascading style sheets 88

Catalog preferences 383


See also indexes, catalog

about 380

CCITT compression filters 111

CD-ROM, publishing PDF files

to 380


collecting 258

creating 254

deleting 261

directory servers and 262

managing 260

setting trust levels 261

sharing 258

verifying 260


checklist 281

documents 281


applications 237

export values 240

characters, inserting 350

check boxes, as form elements 211


described in Preflight 503

viewing in profiles 506

Chinese text

See also Asian text

adding comments in 178

choking. See trapping

CID fonts Type 2, preserving hinting

information 450

Circle tool. See Oval tool


creating 177

deleting 177

Clean Up panel (PDF Optimizer) 344


color profiles 106

color space, converting images

to 106

collaborating, in Version Cue 532

Collections, organizing PDFs 49


See also color separations

of grid lines 44

in online displays 106

mapping between color spaces 106

options for 105

preventing shifts in text 105

Color Bars option 454

color gamuts 417

color images, resampling and

compressing 104

color management

See also color profiles, color


about 417, 418, 419

color settings reference 434

considerations for importing

images 422, 423

considerations for printing

documents 427

considerations for process and

spot colors 422

creating a viewing

environment 418

for online graphics 424, 425

for PDFs 425, 428

image files 105

printer-based 450

setting up 420

soft-proofing colors 425, 426, 427

synchronizing color settings 421

when printing 454

color management conversion


JPEG 143

PNG 144

TIFF 145

color model working space 432

color plate list (Ink Manager) 457

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