Create or modify custom checks – Adobe Acrobat 8 3D User Manual
Page 514

User Guide
You can reuse a check in any profile where it’s needed. Keep in mind, however, that if you modify a check that’s being
used in multiple profiles, the check is modified in every profile that uses it. To avoid making unnecessary modifica
tions, rename the check for a particular profile. Before editing a preflight profile, you must unlock it.
In the Preflight dialog box, select a profile, and click the Edit button , or choose Edit Preflight Profiles from the
Options menu.
Choose Unlocked from the pop-up menu at the upper left.
Select Custom Checks from the list of items displayed under the profile name.
Work with the panels by doing any of the following:
To quickly find a specific check, type all or part of its name in the search box. Only those items containing the
search term are displayed. Removing the name from the search box displays all the checks again.
To add a check to the profile, select the check in the right panel, click the left-facing arrow, and adjust the alert
type, if needed, from the pop-up menu at the lower left of the dialog box. The alert type, which is Error by default,
specifies what kind of alert the Preflight tool displays if it finds a mismatch. You can add as many checks as needed.
To remove a check from the profile, select it in the left panel, and click the right-facing arrow.
Double-click a check to edit it.
See also
“About preflight profiles” on page 498
“Lock, unlock, and password-protect profiles” on page 501
“See where a check or property is used” on page 508
“Correcting problem areas” on page 508
Create or modify custom checks
Although you can modify any unlocked predefined check, it’s best to leave the predefined checks as they were
configured. Instead, you can create a new check or base a check on an existing one.
In the Preflight dialog box, select a profile, and click the Edit button
, or choose Edit Preflight Profiles from the
Options menu.
Choose Unlocked from the pop-up menu at the upper left.
If necessary, expand the profile to display the categories underneath.
Select Custom Checks.
(Optional) Choose Info from the alert menu to prevent the Preflight tool from failing objects that don’t match this
In the Preflight Edit Profile dialog box, do one of the following:
Click the New icon
To base the new check on an existing one, select a check and click the Duplicate icon
In the Edit/Duplicate Check dialog box, do any of the following, and then click OK:
Type a name and description in the boxes on the left.