Adobe Acrobat 8 3D User Manual

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User Guide


Compress B-rep To

The amount (in millimeters) of lossy compression applied to geometry. For best results when

exporting geometry, set the amount to 0.001 or leave this option unselected.

You can compress the geometry after you convert the 3D file to PDF by right-clicking the 3D model and choosing
Optimize PDF.

Compress Tessellation

Applies lossy compression to polygons.


Mesh Quality

Controls the quality relative to the percentage of lossy compression applied to the image files. Higher

percentages indicate less compression and better image quality. A setting of 100% applies no compression.

Texture Quality

Specifies the quality for textures. Lower values reduce file size.

Reduce Polygon Count To

Removes triangles from the model. In 3D objects, parts consist of interconnected

polygons. The more polygons, the better the detail and the greater the file size.

Remove Parts Smaller Than

Eliminates parts that are smaller than the specified percentage of the entire 3D model.

Use this option when a reduced file size is more important than visual quality.

Collapse Hierarchy To

Specifies the number of nested levels. A 3D model can be divided into parts, and those parts

can be divided into parts, and so on. Collapsing the hierarchy to a certain number of levels flattens all the parts below
the specified level and may reduce file size and complexity.

Remove Duplicate Parts

Deletes duplicate geometric structures, such as those that overlap.

Remove Duplicate And Unused Materials

Strips out materials that either have duplicate versions or haven’t been

applied to any geometry in the 3D model, including embedded textures associated with those materials.

Remove Normals

Removes any smoothing normal information. Surface normals are used to store information

about the contour of a mesh’s surface.

Enhance tab

The Enhance settings determine animation options and part colors. These settings are available for U3D format only.

Remove Animation

Removes the animation associated with the 3D model from the conversion.

Create Exploding Parts Animation

Sets the number of stages the model should be broken up into. Each resultant

stage lasts a second in duration.

Export Animation

Controls the animation by removing redundant animation keyframe data, reversing the

animation sequence, or rescaling the animation to a different length. If you want to rescale the animation, specify
the absolute time in seconds or a percentage to determine the length of the animation sequence.

Assign Random Colors To Parts

Randomly colors each discrete part of a 3D model, emphasizing the individual parts.

Transform tab

The Transform options specify the position, scale, orientation, and units of the 3D model.

Set Custom Scale

Embeds a value in the model output describing the proportion between length units (such as

inches or centimeters) and the displayed model units.

Scale By

Changes the scale of the imported 3D file. For example, replacing 1 with 2 for the X, Y, and Z boxes doubles

the size of the 3D model.

Fit To

Changes the scale of the object to conform to the dimensions you specify.

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