Search features preferences, Creating pdf indexes, Create and manage an index in a pdf – Adobe Acrobat 8 3D User Manual

Page 386

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User Guide

See also

“Creating PDF indexes” on page 379

Search features preferences

Access preferences for search features by choosing Edit > Preferences (Windows) or Acrobat > Preferences
(Mac OS), and then clicking Search under Categories.

Ignore Asian Character Width

Finds both half-width and full-width instances of the Asian language characters in the

search text.

Ignore Diacritics And Accents

Finds the search terms with any variation of the alphabetical characters. For example,

typing cafe finds both cafe and café. Likewise, typing café finds both versions. If this option isn’t selected, typing cafe
doesn’t find café, and vice versa.

Always Use Advanced Search Options

Makes the advanced options available in the Search window, in addition to

the basic options.

Maximum Number Of Documents Returned In Results

Limits the search results in the Search PDF window to a

specific number of documents. The default value is 500, but you can enter any number from 1 to 10,000.

Range Of Words For Proximity Searches

Limits the search results to those in which the number of words between

the search terms isn’t greater than the number you specify. Accepts a range from 1 to 10,000.

Enable Fast Find

Generates a cache of information from any PDF that you search. This cache reduces subsequent

search times for that PDF.

Maximum Cache Size

Limits the temporary cache of search information for the Fast Find option to the specified size

in megabytes (between 5 and 10,000). The default setting is 100.

Purge Cache Contents

Deletes the Fast Find option’s entire temporary cache of search information.

If you accidentally close the Search window while reviewing the results of a search, click the Search button to display
the results, or choose Edit > Search Results > Next Result or Previous Result. The most recent search results remain

until you run another search or close Acrobat.

Creating PDF indexes

Create and manage an index in a PDF

You can reduce the time required to search a long PDF by embedding an index of the words in the document.
Acrobat can search the index much faster than it can search the document. The embedded index is included in
distributed or shared copies of the PDF. Users search PDFs with embedded indexes exactly as they search those
without embedded indexes; no extra steps are required.

Add an index to a PDF


With the document open in Acrobat, choose Advanced > Document Processing > Manage Embedded Index.


In the Manage Embedded Index dialog box, click Embed Index.


Read the messages that appear, and click OK.

Note: In Outlook and Lotus Notes, you have the option of embedding an index when you convert email messages or
folders to PDF. This is especially recommended for folders containing many email messages.

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