Adobe Acrobat 8 3D User Manual
Page 389

User Guide
Under Exclude These Subdirectories, click Add, and select any nested folder that contains PDF files you do not
want to be indexed. Click OK and repeat, as needed.
Review your selections. To make changes to the list of folders to be included or excluded, select the folder you want
to change and click Remove.
Click Build, and then specify the location for the index file. Click Save, and then:
Click Close when the indexing finishes.
Click Stop to cancel the indexing process.
Note: If you stop the indexing, you cannot resume the same indexing session but you don’t have to redo the work. The
options and folder selections remain intact. You can click Open Index select the partially finished index, and revise it.
If long path names are truncated in the Include These Directories And Exclude These Subdirectories options, hold
the pointer over each ellipsis (...) until a tool tip appears, displaying the complete path of the included or excluded
See also
“Catalog preferences” on page 383
Indexing Options dialog box
Do Not Include Numbers
Select this option to exclude all numbers that appear in the document text from the index.
Excluding numbers can significantly reduce the size of an index, making searches faster.
Add IDs To Adobe PDF v1.0 Files
Select this option if your collection includes PDFs created before Acrobat 2.0,
which did not automatically add identification numbers. ID numbers are needed when long Mac OS filenames are
shortened as they are translated into MS-DOS filenames. Acrobat 2.0 and later versions automatically add identifiers.
Do Not Warn For Changed Documents When Searching
When this option is not selected, a message appears when
you search documents that have changed since the most recent index build.
Custom Properties
Use this option to include custom document properties in the index; only custom document
properties that already exist in the PDFs you index are indexed. Type the property, make a selection from the Type
menu, and then click Add. These properties appear as a search option in the Search PDF window's additional criteria
pop-up menus when you search the resulting index. For example, if you enter the custom property Document Name
and choose the string property from the Type menu, a user searching the index can then search within the custom
property by selecting Document Name from the Use These Additional Criteria menu.
Note: When you create custom fields in a Microsoft Office application in which the Convert Document Information
option is selected in the PDFMaker application, the fields transfer over to any PDFs you create.
XMP Fields
Use this option to include custom XMP fields. The custom XMP fields are indexed and appear in the
additional criteria pop-up menus to be searchable in the selected indexes.
Stop Words
Use to exclude specific words (500 maximum) from the index search results. Type the word, click Add,
and repeat as needed. Excluding words can make the index 10% to 15% smaller. A stop word can contain up to 128
characters and is case sensitive. Certain common words, such as the, and, and to are already excluded from index
searching, so it is not necessary to add them yourself.
Note: To prevent users from trying to search phrases that contain these words, list words that aren’t indexed in the
Catalog Read Me file.
Structure Tags
Use this option to make specific leaf-element tag nodes searchable in documents that have a tagged
logical structure.