Rearranging pages in a pdf – Adobe Acrobat 8 3D User Manual

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User Guide

Undo cropping

Cropping a PDF does not reduce file size because information is merely hidden, not discarded. By resetting the page
size, you can restore the page and its content to its original condition.


Open the Crop Pages dialog box by choosing one of the following:

Document > Crop Pages.

Crop Pages from the Options menu on the Pages panel.


Reset the margins to the original dimensions.

Rearranging pages in a PDF

Rotate a page

You can rotate all or selected pages in a document. Rotation is based on 90˚ increments.


Open the Rotate Pages dialog box using one of the following methods:

Choose Document > Rotate Pages.

From the Options menu on the Pages panel, choose Rotate Pages.


For Direction, select the amount and direction of the rotations: Counterclockwise 90 Degrees, Clockwise 90

Degrees, or 180 Degrees.


For Pages, specify whether all pages, a selection of pages, or a range of pages are to be rotated.


From the Rotate menu, specify even pages, odd pages, or both, and select the orientation of pages to be rotated.

To temporarily change your view of the page, choose View > Rotate View > Clockwise or Counterclockwise. The
original page orientation is restored the next time you open the PDF.

Extract pages in a PDF

Extraction is the process of reusing selected pages of one PDF in a different PDF. Extracted pages contain not only
the content but also all form fields, comments, and links associated with the original page content.

You can leave the extracted pages in the original document or remove them during the extraction process—compa­
rable to the familiar processes of cutting-and-pasting or copying-and-pasting, but on the page level.

Note: Any bookmarks or article threading associated with pages are not extracted.


Open the PDF in Acrobat and choose Document > Extract Pages.


Specify the range of pages to extract.


In the Extract Pages dialog box, do one or more of the following before you click OK:

To remove the extracted pages from the original document, select Delete Pages After Extracting.

To create a single-page PDF for each extracted page, select Extract Pages As Separate Files.

To leave the original pages in the document and create a single PDF that includes all of the extracted pages, leave
both check boxes deselected.


If a message appears asking you to confirm the deletion, click Yes to delete the extracted pages from the original

PDF, or click No to go back to the Extract Pages dialog box.

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