Chapter 17: preflight, Quickstart, Preflight pdfs – Adobe Acrobat 8 3D User Manual
Page 494: Add fixups to a profile, Create a pdf/x-compliant file

Chapter 17: Preflight
To verify that your Adobe PDF contains only the features, fonts, and formatting that you’ve specified, use the
Preflight tool to inspect and, in certain cases, correct the document’s contents.
The following topics provide overview steps for some common preflight tasks.
Preflight PDFs
Use the Preflight tool to determine a document’s validity for print production or other conditions. When you
preflight a document, you validate that the document contains only specific features, fonts, and formatting.
Choose Advanced > Preflight.
Select a profile from the list. To correct errors, select a profile that includes a fixup. These are denoted by a wrench
next to the profile.
Click Execute.
Results appear in the Preflight dialog box.
See also
“Analyzing documents for print readiness” on page 488
Add fixups to a profile
Adding a fixup to a profile allows you to fix errors identified during a preflight inspection.
Choose Advanced > Preflight, and click Edit.
Select the desired profile, and then choose Unlock from the pop-up menu at the top of the dialog box.
Select Fixups from the list under the profile.
Select the desired fixup in the right column and click the left arrow .
You can add multiple fixups covering different areas to a profile.
See also
“Add fixups to a profile” on page 508
Create a PDF/X-compliant file
You can validate PDF content using PDF/X criteria, and then save the PDF as a PDF/X-compliant file.
Choose Advanced > Preflight.
Choose Options > Convert Current PDF To PDF/X.
Select PDF/X-1a, PDF/X-3, or PDF/X-4, and specify other conversion options.