Adobe Acrobat 8 3D User Manual
Page 154

User Guide
See also
“Open secured PDFs” on page 247
Select a word or line of text
Move the Select tool
over the text you want to select. When the pointer changes to the I-beam icon , do one
of the following:
Drag across the text to be selected. (You can also click to create an insertion point, and Shift-click to create a
second insertion point. The text between the two insertion points is selected.)
Double-click to select a word.
Triple-click to select a line of text.
If you want to extend a selection letter by letter, press Shift and an arrow key. To extend a selection word by word,
press Shift+Ctrl (Windows) or Shift+Command (Mac OS) and an arrow key.
Select a column of text
Using the Select tool
, move the pointer toward a column of text. When the pointer changes to a vertical bar
with a box superimposed, the Select tool is in column select mode.
You can force column select mode by pressing the Alt key (Windows) or the Command key (Mac OS) as you drag a
rectangle over the column of text.
Drag a rectangle over the column of text. To select text in more than one column, drag from the beginning of the
text in one column to the end of text you want to select.
Select all the text on a page
Choose View > Page Display > Single Page.
Do one of the following:
Choose Edit > Select All.
Select any text on the page and then press Ctrl+A (Windows) or Command+A (Mac OS).
Click four times in the text. This method selects all the text on the page regardless of the page layout.
Note: If you choose any other page layout, all the text in the document is selected.
Copy selected text
Use the Select tool
to select any amount of text on the page.
Copy the text:
Choose Edit > Copy to copy the selected text to another application.
Hold the pointer over the selection until a menu appears, and then select Copy.
Hold the pointer over the selection until a menu appears, and then choose Copy To Clipboard or Copy With
Formatting. (Copy With Formatting, which preserves the column layout, appears only if the document is tagged