Adobe Acrobat 8 3D User Manual
Page 316

User Guide
Change the tag for a region
If Acrobat tags a page element incorrectly, you can change the tag type for the highlighted region.
Select the TouchUp Reading Order tool.
In the TouchUp Reading Order dialog box, select Show Page Content Order.
To select a highlighted region, do one of the following:
Drag to select it.
Click the number of a highlighted region.
Click the button for the tag type that you want for the highlighted region.
Add or remove content from a tagged region
The TouchUp Reading Order tool always displays as few highlighted regions as possible. If content within a
highlighted region doesn’t flow properly, you may need to split a region to reorder it. Highlighted regions may also
contain adjacent page content that is unrelated or that requires a different tag type. Page content may become
orphaned from related elements, particularly if the content doesn’t fit within a rectangular shape. Use the TouchUp
Reading Order tool to add or remove content from a region, or to split a region to reorder the content.
Select the TouchUp Reading Order tool.
In the TouchUp Reading Order dialog box, select Show Page Content Order.
In the document pane, select a highlighted region.
Do one of the following:
To add content to the current selection, Shift-click the content you want to add. The pointer changes to include a
plus sign (+).
To remove content from the current selection, Ctrl-click/Command-click the content you want to remove. The
pointer changes to include a minus sign (-).
Click the button for the tag type that you want for the highlighted region.
Split a region into two regions
Select the TouchUp Reading Order tool.
In the TouchUp Reading Order dialog box, select Show Page Content Order.
In the document pane, drag to select a small portion of content near the boundary of the first region that you want
to create.
Click the Background button in the dialog box. The highlighted region splits into two regions, numbered from
right to left.
If you need to correct the reading order, click Show Order Panel, and drag the new highlighted region to the
correct location in the Order tab.
Drag to select the first content region you created, including the region you defined as Background, and then set
the tag by clicking a button in the TouchUp Reading Order dialog box.
Apply a heading tag
To help readers navigate a document and find the information they need, make sure that headings are tagged with
the appropriate level to indicate their hierarchy in the content.
Select the TouchUp Reading Order tool, and then select the heading text in the PDF.