Adobe Acrobat 8 3D User Manual
Page 267

User Guide
If you’re prompted to validate the certificate before installing it, note the MD5 digest and SHA1 digest values
(fingerprint). Contact the certificate’s originator to confirm that the values are correct. The certificate should be
trusted only if the values are correct. Click OK.
Add a certificate using a signature in a PDF
You can safely add a certificate to your trusted identities from a signed PDF by first verifying the fingerprint with the
certificate’s originator.
Open the PDF containing the user’s self-signed signature.
Click the signature in the document to check whether it’s valid.
Click Signature Properties, and then click Show Certificate.
In the Certificate Viewer dialog box, click the Details tab and note the MD5 digest and SHA1 digest values (finger
print). Contact the certificate’s originator to confirm that the values are correct. The certificate should be trusted only
if the values are correct.
After you verify that the certificate information is correct, click the Trust tab, click Add To Trusted Identities, click
OK, specify trust options, and click OK.
Associate a certificate with a contact
Contacts are typically trusted identities with whom you exchange documents. To exchange encrypted PDFs with a
contact, you must associate at least one certificate with that contact.
Adding a contact may or may not add a certificate because certificates aren’t necessarily attached to the contact infor
mation. Add contact information by browsing to the contact file location or search for the file.
Choose Advanced > Manage Trusted Identities.
Select the contact, and click Details.
Select a name from the list, and click Associate Certificate.
Select a certificate, and click OK. Click OK again.
Verify information on a certificate
The Certificate Viewer dialog box provides user attributes and other information about a certificate. When other
users import your certificate, they may ask you to check your fingerprint information against the information they
receive with the certificate. (The fingerprint refers to the MD5 digest and SHA1 digest values.) You can check certif
icate information for your own digital ID files or for ID files that you import.
The Certificate Viewer dialog box provides the validation period in which the certificate is valid, the certificate’s
intended usage, and certificate data such as a unique serial number and public key method. You can also check if the
certificate authority has revoked the certificate. Certificates are typically revoked when an employee leaves the
company or when security is compromised in some way.
Verify information on your own certificate
Choose Advanced > Security Settings.
Select your digital ID, and then click Certificate Details
Verify information on someone else’s certificate
Choose Advanced > Manage Trusted Identities.