Viewing logs, reports, and workspace information, View version cue workspace information, View the version cue workspace log file – Adobe Acrobat 8 3D User Manual

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User Guide

Viewing logs, reports, and workspace information

Viewing Version Cue Workspace information and reports

You can display the Version Cue Workspace version, name, licensee, serial number, Java version, database version,
Version Cue client URL (IP or DNS address), WebDAV client URL, copyright, and patent information with the
Version Cue Workspace Administration utility.

Users who are working in Adobe Creative Suite or Acrobat can use the Version Cue Client URL to connect to Version
Cue projects when they’re not on the workspace’s subnetwork. Users who are working in applications that support

WebDAV can use the WebDAV Client URL to connect to Version Cue projects.

You can also display and manage three kinds of reports (import, export, and publish) and the Version Cue
Workspace log file, which tracks all server operations according to the level of detail you specify.

Display time varies according to the size of the log file. The default log file size is 1024 KB. If the log file exceeds a
specified size limit, the system creates a new log file and saves the old one. Log files are saved in the Logs folder,
located in the Version Cue application folder.

View Version Cue Workspace information


Log in to the Version Cue Administration utility.


Do any of the following:

Click the Home tab. Workspace information is listed under About This Workspace.

Click the Advanced tab, and then select Workspace Info.

Click About at the top of the page to display copyright and patent information. A window opens, listing infor­
mation about the Version Cue Workspace.

View the Version Cue Workspace log file


Log in to the Version Cue Administration utility.


Click the Advanced tab, and then select Workspace Log. The Workspace Log content frame displays information

about the Version Cue Workspace history.


Do any of the following:

To change the number of rows displayed, choose an option from the Rows To Display menu.

To navigate to a different page of the log, click Next, End, Beginning, or Previous, if available.

View a Version Cue report


Log in to the Version Cue Administration utility.


Click the Advanced tab, and then select Reports.


Choose the type of report you want to view from the Reports menu.


To view available reports from a single project, choose the project name from the Filter By menu. To view available

reports from all projects on the Version Cue Workspace, choose All.


Click the project’s name in the Project Name column. The content frame displays the report. Choose options from

the available menus to change how the report appears.

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