Adobe Acrobat 8 3D User Manual
Page 598

converting to process 477
specialty inks 468
spreading. See trapping
spreadsheets, split view 42
Square tool. See Rectangle tool
creating 177
deleting 177
sRGB color space 424, 435
adding to documents 175
customizing 175
dynamic 175
editing 175
moving and resizing 175
status, tracking distilled files 98
Stemming (searches) 377
STEP settings 415
sticky notes
comments 172
strikethrough, indicating deleted
text 173
stroke width, constant 43
Structured PDF property group 505
Style option (Marks and Bleeds) 454
Submission Manager 524
submit-by-email forms 199
comments 162
files to production systems 526
form actions 338
online forms 199
subsampling 104
subscribing to web services 168
subsetting fonts
specifying a threshold 105
text editing 350
summarizing comments 184
support screens 467
SWOP standards 468
Synchronized file status, in Version
Cue 536
files, in Version Cue 548
System Administrator privileges, in
Version Cue 561
system requirements 1
system requirements, media clips 30,
tabbing order 326
table of contents. See bookmarks
copying 148
defining content as 306
fixing tags in 319
tagged bookmarks
deleting 137
organizing web pages with 339
updating with 339
about 289
accessibility 289
adding alternative text 311
alternative text 317
creating PDFs with 299
deleting 346
editing 308
editing for figures and tables 310
including in indexes 382
reference 319
removing and replacing 312
searching 373
web pages 301
Tags tab 315
temp files, allowing in movies 358
accessible, converting 145
adding 349
Asian. See Asian text
copying and pasting 146
copying, prohibited 146
editing 347, 348
exporting 143
preventing color shifts 105
scanned 146
searching 373
selecting 147
unrecognizable 146
text attributes, editing 348
Text Box tool 178
text edits, commenting
adding notes to markups 174
deleting 174, 185
text fields
about form elements 211
Calculation options 227
editing 225, 226
formatting 228
text files, converting to PDF 62
Text property group 504
Thai language 54
threaded comments, replying 182
three-dimensional content. See 3D
threshold, font embedding 105
thumbnails. See page thumbnails
time stamps
in digital signatures 277
validating certificates for 285
tips for scanning 67
3D 399, 400
docking 21
Forms 215
locking and unlocking 21
restoring to default 21
selecting buttons 17
showing and hiding 21
showing and hiding labels 22
3D navigation 400
3D tool 397
prepress 460
print production 460
selecting 17
single-key access 33
Total Area Coverage option 471
touch up tools 347
TouchUp Reading Order tool 305
tracked PDF documents, review 161
Tracker, reviewing 165
tracking status of distilled files 98
transfer functions 106
transitions 353
See also flattening
blending space 473, 475
flattener presets 484
flattening, about 344
flattening, options for 486
grids, displaying 36
printing and saving 480
Transparency Flattener Presets
command 486
Transparency panel (PDF
Optimizer) 344