Adobe Acrobat 8 3D User Manual

Page 585

background image



color profiles

about 429

assigning and removing 432

assigning and removing from

documents 432

converting 433

for desktop printers 428

for imported images 422, 423, 424

for monitors 430, 431

installing 431

managing when converting

colors 475

warning messages for 435

color separations

about 456

adjusting ink density values 468

dot gain control 467

host-based 456

ink coverage limits 471

previewing on-screen 471

producing 457

saving as PostScript 458

spot and process colors 457

color settings

See also color management

color conversions 437

color management policies 435

customizing 434

for Adobe applications 421

presets for 434

rendering intents 437, 438

synchronizing with other

applications 421

working spaces 434, 435

color spaces

converting 105

converting to destination

space 473

defining and calibrating 106


See also color management, color


viewing by source space 470

Colors property group 504

columns, selecting 147

Combine Files button 52


layered PDF files 367

PDF files 525

combo boxes

about form elements 211

Calculation options 227

formatting 228


on a PDF 161

rights 155


in 3D models 413

appearance 171

checking for 163

connecting lines 170

entering for Version Cue

projects 555

expanding in Comments list 181

filtering 182

finding 185

font and font size 170

forms 205

grouping comments 177

indicating text edits 173

keyboard shortcuts for 570

name that appears 170

navigating 181

opening 172

preferences 170

printing 170, 184, 440

publishing for other reviewers 164

saving an archive copy 166

searching 373

searching by 376

sending in email 164

showing and hiding 185

sorting 182

spell checking 186

sticky notes 172

summarizing and printing 184

text boxes compared to notes 178

viewing locked 171


PDF and JDF files 525

versions of signed documents 286


between versions 103

changing PDF version 142

settings for 103

with earlier versions of Acrobat 48

components of a print job,

viewing 518

composite printing 455


about 111

files by image type 111

files in Acrobat Distiller 111

images 143

in PDF Optimizer 344

line art 104

with Adobe Photoshop 111

compression options

JPEG 143

lossy and lossless 344

methods 111

PNG 144

reducing file size 344

setting in Acrobat Distiller 103

TIFF 145

Conflicted Copies file status, in

Version Cue 536

Connect To command 531

connection speed, setting 32

contact information, specifying for

print job 521

Contacts Manager 520

Content tab 314

content, protecting 266

continuous-tone images,

compressing 112

conversion settings

3D content 388, 390, 394

Adobe PDF printer 70

converting web pages 93

customizing 101

display 94, 95

for image files 104

presets 100

Convert To Profile command 433


See also exporting

3D models 388, 390, 394

AutoCAD files 83, 388

colors in document 473

files to PDF in job definition 525

image files 62

images in web pages 94

JDF files to MIME 525

Microsoft Office files 74, 76

paper forms to PDF forms 212

PDF files to MIME 525

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