Adobe Acrobat 8 3D User Manual
Page 590

selecting temporarily 18
text selection 33
handicap. See accessibility
handwritten signatures, creating the
appearance of 276
hard returns, inserting 350
hardware tokens, signing and 255
adding 125
adding during web conversion 93
deleting 127
editing 127
headings, defining content as 306
Hebrew language 54, 55
about 2
Help, keyboard shortcuts for 574
bookmarks 26
comments 182
Model Tree 404
parts of 3D models 405
Properties toolbar 22
thumbnails 27
toolbars 21
High Quality Print, PDF preset 100
Highlight Color preferences 199
Highlighter tool 175
highlighting options 491
highlighting text (markup) 173
History (in Organizer)
deleting 53
locating PDFs with 49
holdback (trapping) 465, 467
host-based separations 456
hot folders 514
How To pages, keyboard shortcuts
for 574
HTML files, converting to PDF 62, 88
HTTP Proxy server, specifying in
Version Cue 552
hyphens, inserting 350
ICC Color Spaces property group 504
ICC profiles
See also color profiles
custom 106
embedding in images 105
exporting from output intents 516
extracting 490
saving locally 490
IDs, in Version Cue 560
IGES settings 415
image compression
See also compressing, compression
setting in Acrobat Distiller 104
image editor, selecting 353
Image property group 504
checking changes in downloaded
web pages 95
conversion settings 104
converting to CalRGB 106
converting to PDF 62
converting web pages to PDF 94
copying and pasting 148
deleting versions 346
displaying large 33
downloading from the web 88
downsampling and
compressing 111, 344
editing 347
exporting 146
merging fragments 346
placing in PDFs 350
resampling and compressing 103
searching metadata in 373
smoothing jagged edges 104
stamps 175
suppressing display 33
unexpected monochrome viewing
results 103
Images panel (PDF Optimizer) 344
halftone screens 451
Import Version Cue 1.0 Data
command 552
data buttons 239
form data 204, 239
form data actions 337
preflight profiles 500
In Use By
Version Cue 536
In Use By alerts in Version Cue 539
In Use By Me file status, in Version
Cue 536
Inactive alert 503
embedded 379
index definition file (PDX) 380
indexes, catalog
about 380
automating updates 384
creating 381
cross-platform guidelines 380
document properties
guidelines 380
excluding numbers from 382
excluding subfolders 382
excluding words from 382
including custom properties 382
including structure tags 382
including XMP fields 382
moving 384
PDF v1.0 files and 382
preferences 383
preparing PDF files for 380
Readme files 383
reducing size of 382
stopping a build 381
updating 383
Indicate Text Edits tool 173, 174
Info alert 503
Info panel 46
information about documents 360
initial state, layers 365
Initial View, document
properties 354, 361
initiating e-mail reviews 158
ink coverage
checking 471
limits 471
Ink Manager 463, 476
ink sequence (trapping order) 469
ink warnings 472
aliasing 478
printing one at a time 457
screen angle and frequency 451
specialty 468
input device profiles 429, 431
Insert Object command 125
Insert Pages command 124
Insert Text At Cursor tool 174