Adobe Acrobat 8 3D User Manual
Page 145
User Guide
Choose Delete Page(s) from the Options menu. The tagged bookmark and its associated page are deleted from
the document.
Replace the contents of a page
Open the PDF that contains the pages you want to replace.
Choose Document > Replace Pages.
Select the document containing the replacement pages, and click Select.
Under Original, enter the pages to be replaced in the original document.
Under Replacement, enter the first page of the replacement page range. The last page is calculated based on the
number of pages to be replaced in the original document.
Replace pages using a page thumbnail
Open the PDF that contains the pages you want to replace, and then open the PDF that contains the replacement
In the Pages panel of the PDF that contains the replacement pages, select a page or group of pages:
Select the page number boxes of the page thumbnails that you want to use as replacement pages.
Shift-click to select multiple page thumbnails. Ctrl-click/Command-click to add to the selection.
Drag a rectangle around a group of page thumbnails.
Drag the selected page thumbnails onto the Pages panel of the target document. Release the mouse button when
the pointer is directly over the page number box of the first page thumbnail you want to replace so that these pages
become highlighted.
The pages you selected in the first document replace the same number of pages in the second document, starting at
the page number you selected to drop the new pages on.
Renumber pages
The page numbers on the document pages do not always match the page numbers that appear below the page thumb
nails and in the Page Navigation toolbar. Pages are numbered with integers, starting with page 1 for the first page of
the document. Because some PDFs may contain front matter, such as a copyright page and table of contents, their
body pages may not follow the numbering shown in the Page Navigation toolbar.
Printed page numbering (top) compared to logical page numbering (bottom)
You can number the pages in your document in a variety of ways. You can specify a different numbering style for
groups of pages, such as 1, 2, 3, or i, ii, iii, or a, b, c. You can also customize the numbering system by adding a prefix.
For example, the numbering for chapter 1 could be 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, and so on, and for chapter 2, it could be 2-1, 2-2, 2
3, and so on.