Adobe Acrobat 8 3D User Manual
Page 56
User Guide
Organizer window in Windows
A. Categories pane B. Files pane C. Pages pane
Categories pane
The categories pane of the Organizer window is divided vertically into sections that contain categories. These items
can help you locate and organize PDFs that reside on your computer, on a network, and on the web.
Contains subcategories that list all the PDFs that you’ve opened during a specified period of time. You can’t
change the subcategory names or manually add PDFs to the History, which is automatically updated each time you
open a PDF and as time passes, but you can clear the entire history by using the Clear History button in the files pane.
You can also control the maximum length of the file history or turn it off with the Remember Files In Organizer
History For option in Edit > Preferences > Documents.
My Computer (Windows) or [disk name] (Mac OS)
Lists the hard drives and folders in their current hierarchy. This
category is especially useful if you know where a particular PDF resides.
Favorite Places
Lists any folders, network locations, and web directories that you’ve specified as favorite destina
tions. This category functions like bookmarks or favorite destinations that you create for quick access in a web
browser, except that the destinations are folders or disk drives that contain PDFs. You can add or remove destinations
from the Favorite Places list, but you can’t edit the destination names.
Contains collection folders that list all PDFs that you’ve associated with each particular collection folder.
Each collection folder can point to multiple PDFs no matter where each PDF is located; for example, a single
collection folder can list PDFs that are actually located in different folders on your computer, on a network, and also
on the web. You can change each collection folder’s name, add new collection folders, and add PDFs to each
collection folder.
Note: Collections and PDF packages both involve multiple PDFs, but in very different ways. A PDF package is itself a
PDF file that can be composed of multiple PDFs and that exists in a folder on your computer. For example, you can
attach a PDF package to an email message. Collections are more like reminders that help you find related files that may
be stored in different locations on your computer.