Select photos, 67% resize factor – Apple Aperture 3.5 User Manual

Page 81

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Chapter 4

Organize and sort photos


Select photos

Selecting photos in the Browser is a fundamental task in Aperture. Knowing the many ways
you can select photos can help increase your productivity and satisfaction while working with
your photos.

You can select photos in the following ways.



Select a single photo

Click the photo.

Press the arrow keys to navigate to the photo.

Select a range of photos

Select the first photo, then choose Edit > Select to
End (or press Shift-End) to extend the selection to
the last photo in the Browser.

Select the last photo in a range, then choose Edit >
Select to Beginning (or press Shift-Home) to extend
the selection to the first photo in the Browser.

Click the first photo in a range, then Shift-click the
last photo.

Press the arrow keys to select the first photo, then
press Shift and an arrow key to select the last
photo in the range.

Drag a selection rectangle to select all the photos
that fall within the rectangle.

Select a photo among selected photos

Press Semicolon (;) or press Option–Command–
Left Arrow to select the previous photo in the
selection. Press Apostrophe (’) or press Option–
Command–Right Arrow to select the next photo
in the selection.

Select a photo in a stack

Press the Right Arrow or Left Arrow key.

Select nonadjacent photos

Command-click the photos you want to select.
Command-click the photos again to deselect them.

Slide a selection

Press Command–Left Arrow or Command–Right
Arrow to slide the current selection over by one
photo. For example, you can move a three-photo
selection left or right by one photo at a time.

Select the next stack

With a stack selected, press Option–Page Up or
Option–Page Down.

Select or set a compare photo

Select the photo, then press Option-O.

Deselect the compare photo

Press Command-Return.

Select a different compare photo

Select the photo you want as a compare photo,
then press Return.

Select all photos in the Browser

Choose Edit > Select All (or press Command-A).

Select only the primary photo, deselecting all others

Choose Edit > Reduce Selection (or press Shift-E).

Deselect all photos in the Browser

Choose Edit > Deselect All (or press

Click the gray background of the Browser.

67% resize factor