White balance an image – Apple Aperture 3.5 User Manual

Page 266

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Chapter 7

Make image adjustments


White balance an image

If an image has unnatural skin tones or pixels that should be pure white, you can use the White
Balance adjustment controls to remove the color cast from the image. Aperture provides three
methods for adjusting an image’s white balance:

Balance the warmth of the image based on natural gray.

Balance the warmth of the image based on skin tones.

Balance the image based on traditional color temperature (in degrees kelvin) and tint.

You can adjust an image’s white balance automatically or manually. In most cases, the automatic
adjustment succeeds in removing the color cast from the image. You can also use the White
Balance eyedropper to choose the natural gray or skin tone pixels that Aperture uses to balance
the image. If the Auto White Balance button or the White Balance eyedropper doesn’t completely
remove the color cast from the image, you can use the White Balance controls to fine-tune
the adjustment.

Although Aperture can set the white balance of the image with great accuracy, sometimes you
have to use a combination of these methods to achieve the warm or cool tonality you intended.

Before White Balance adjustment After White Balance adjustment

Adjust an image’s white balance automatically


Select a photo.


In the White Balance area of the Adjustments inspector or the Adjustments pane of the Inspector

HUD, click the Auto button.

Click the Auto button to

automatically adjust the

image’s white balance.

Aperture evaluates the image. If faces are detected in the image, the image is adjusted to
preserve skin tones. If no faces are detected, Aperture identifies a natural gray value in the image
and adjusts the image’s white balance based on that value.

To fine-tune the image’s white balance settings after the automatic adjustment has been applied,
see “Adjust the color temperature of an image manually,” below.

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