Apple Aperture 3.5 User Manual

Page 518

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Places Path Navigator pop-up menus A set of pop-up menus located at the top-left corner of
the screen in Places view that are used to navigate to locations on the map. See also Places view.

Places view A view in Aperture that allows you to apply location information to photos and
track the location of each shot. Photos captured with GPS-enabled cameras provide their
location information automatically. See also Faces view, Flagged view, Global Positioning System
, photo selection, Photos view, Places Path Navigator pop-up menus, Projects view, waypoint.

PNG Short for Portable Network Graphics. PNG is a bitmapped graphics file format that has been
approved by the World Wide Web Consortium to replace patented GIF files. PNG files are patent
and royalty free. See also format.

Polarize Quick Brush A type of Quick Brush adjustment that deepens the colors in the image by
darkening the shadows and midtones while preserving the highlights in the area of the image
the adjustment is brushed on. The Polarize Quick Brush adjustment is equivalent to applying a
Multiply blend. See also adjustment, Brush HUD, contrast, highlights, Intensify Contrast Quick Brush,
midtones, Quick Brushes, shadows.

polarizing filter A filter placed on the front of the camera lens that selectively transmits light
traveling on one plane while absorbing light traveling on other planes. Polarizing filters are
capable of reducing unwanted reflections on windows and shiny surfaces. Polarizing filters are
also used to darken the sky. See also filters.

positive Developed film, where the tonal relationship of the subject or scene is the same on film
as when viewed by the eye; also known as a slide. See also dust and scratch removal, emulsion,

presets A saved group of settings, such as export, naming, print, and web export settings.
Presets determine properties such as file format, file compression, filename construction, paper
size, and ColorSync profile. Presets are usually defined for particular workflows and can be
tailored to client specifications. See also ColorSync.

pressure-sensitive tablet An input device used in place of a mouse that consists of two parts: a
flat surface for drawing (the interface that is connected to the computer) and a pen or stylus. The
harder you press the stylus against the surface of the tablet, the thicker the line or brush stroke
is. See also Brush HUD, Quick Brushes.

preview images JPEG images generated by Aperture that represent the original with any
applied adjustments and associated metadata. Preview images are designed to be shared with
other applications, such as iWork and iLife applications, and used in place of the high-resolution
originals when they are offline. See also adjustment, JPEG, metadata, offline, original.

primary selection The most important photo in a photo selection. Adjustments are applied
only to the primary selection in a photo selection. The primary selection is identified by a thicker
white border. There can be only one primary selection in a photo selection. See also adjustment,
photo selection, Primary setting.

Primary setting A Viewer setting in Aperture that limits metadata changes to only the
primary selection in a multiple-photo selection. See also filmstrip, metadata, photo selection,
primary selection.

prime lens A lens with a fixed focal length that cannot be changed.

print An image, such as a photograph, printed on paper. See also dye sublimation, inkjet printer,
N-up printing, photograph, RA-4.

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