Apple Aperture 3.5 User Manual

Page 511

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Finder The part of the Mac operating system software that keeps track of files, applications, and
folders and displays the desktop.

finishing The process of applying the final adjustments to a digital image just before
presentation. Finishing may involve applying an additional gamma adjustment upon export, or
using an external editor to either burn or dodge a portion of the image before sending it to the
printer. See also export, external editor.

FireWire The trademarked Apple name for the IEEE 1394 standard, a fast and versatile interface
used to connect external devices to computers. FireWire is well suited to transferring large
amounts of data, and FireWire devices such as hard drives are often used to provide additional
storage space. Aperture vaults are commonly stored on external FireWire hard drives. See also
tethered shooting, USB, vault.

fixed lens See prime lens.

flag A type of metadata assigned in Aperture used to help filter photos. You can flag photos and
then search for and display photos in Aperture based on whether they are flagged or not. See
also Flagged view, metadata.

Flagged view An Aperture view that displays all photos, audio clips, and video clips in the library
that have been flagged. See also Faces view, flag, Photos view, Places view, Projects view.

flash A device either on or attached to the camera that emits a brief, intense burst of light when
the shutter release button is pressed. Flashes, synchronized with the shutter, are used to obtain
a correctly exposed photo in low-light situations. See also exposure, external flash, fill-in lighting,
hot shoe.

flat The lack of density in a photo when the contrast is too low. See also contrast, density.

Flip adjustment An adjustment in Aperture that inverts the composition of the image
horizontally, vertically, or both. See also adjustment.

focal length The distance from the rear nodal point of the lens to the point where the light rays
passing through the lens are focused onto the image plane—the digital image sensor. Focal
lengths are measured in millimeters (mm).

focus point overlays See autofocus point overlays.

folder A type of container in the Aperture library used to organize projects and albums within
projects. Folders do not contain photos, video clips, or audio clips. See also album, library, project.

foreground The area of the image between the subject and the camera. See also background,
depth of field.

format a. File format: A specific method of encoding information. Most well-known file formats,
such as TIFF and PNG, have published specifications. b. Disk formatting: The preparation of a hard
disk or other storage medium for use with a file system. See also JPEG, PNG, PSD, TIFF, vault.

frame The border of an image. Frame can also be used as a verb to describe the process of
constructing a composition within a specific image area. See also crop.

frontlighting A light source, emanating from the direction of the camera, that faces toward the
subject. See also backlighting, sidelighting.

f-stop The ratio of the focal length of the lens to the diameter of the opening of the aperture.
See also aperture.

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